Frag Jackpot!!!!

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well my dad was watching them while i was the frag tank, i think he dumped a ton of fresh water on them all at once...the tank was starting to get low and the salinity was getting 125g has alot of algae growth...i think he was leaving the MH's on for about 10hrs a day...i need to do a very large water change in the next few days..i may try some Phosban as well...i am going to do a small WC on the frag tank tomorrow..i hope that helps them some..alot of the frags are bleaching from the bottom up
Ron, sorry to hear that. Could it of been from water chem. issues?? I don't think red bugs will actually kill of acropora, but they will stress them and cause color loss, polyp extension will be a lot less too. I bet it had a lot to do with the lighting on your qt tank. These sps corals just can't go from intense halide lighting to vho and make it. I'd definitely dip what you can and get them under some good lighting. Hope the rest make it. Seems like when it rains it pours. Hang in there.

Lighting from the base up is most always a lighting issue.
well my dad was watching them while i was the frag tank, i think he dumped a ton of fresh water on them all at once...the tank was starting to get low and the salinity was getting 125g has alot of algae growth...i think he was leaving the MH's on for about 10hrs a day...i need to do a very large water change in the next few days..i may try some Phosban as well...i am going to do a small WC on the frag tank tomorrow..i hope that helps them some..alot of the frags are bleaching from the bottom up

Bummer man...Hope you get everything sorted out. :doubt:
Ron, I agree with Sue. Lighting needs to stay very similar to where they came from. The lighting change and salinity shock was the probable issue. You need to get some automatic systems going automatic water top off and lights. Low end ATOs and timers can be bought on the cheap and easy to set up.
well i just got up and checked on them...i lost almost half of the milli colony went from being just a small white patch, to half of it dead..the flesh was literally hanging off of it..i fragged what i could and took the rest out..i have to go get some more glue to glue the frags, but i may dip them when i get home...i saw a thread with a table on it for dipping Interceptor...i will be dipping them in a 5g bucket this ok, and how much Interceptor do i need to use????
You can use a smaller bucket if you like. I use a one gallon bowl. The quantity depends on the type tablet. Once you establish that, you can figure out how large a crumb to dissolve. I am not exaggerating on the word crumb, will be in the milligram size. If they are in QT, maybe hold off on dipping until they are stronger. Unless you are trying to get them into better lighting into the display, then definitely dip first.
is it ok to mix all the corals in a bowl for that long???? it's an hour right???? also, what else do i need in the bowl???? water movement??? heater??? by the way, i have 5.75mg and 2.3mg Interceptor pills
yes, all frags can be dipped at one time. I have usually dipped mine for atleast a couple of hours. You want to make sure you kill them off. The 2.3mg tab is for 38g of water. You might quarter that tab. You won't hurt anything if you use a stronger strength of the dip. Do make sure the temp in this bowl/bucket doesn't drop and a simple water movement will be fine.
well i performed the dip for about 1-2hrs....some were in the bucket longer than others..i had to glue alot of them to pegs and this took some time..most of the acro's were in for over an hour..i hope i got them all!!!
Ron, I wouldn't worry about the length of time they were in the dip. I have dipped frags before that were left in for the length of time for a tank treatment to no harm done.
i'm not really worried about the dip time..i am worried because some of them lost alot of their color while i was back home in Florida..i am worried that they won't make it...
i'm not really worried about the dip time..i am worried because some of them lost alot of their color while i was back home in Florida..i am worried that they won't make it...

i'll cross my fingers for you dood :).
I'm sure the color loss is due to the lighting they were under. Going from a 400w halide to vho is like putting them in total darkness. I've always said corals came be acclimated to more intense lighting but they can't go backwards, so to speak. Given excellent water quality they might be able to come back. They will need to be acclimated to more intense lighting though. I do have my fingers crossed for you. It's so hard and especially when there was a family crisis and you did all you could. Plus thats the thing with sps corals. They are not forgiving like softies of some lps corals. Sps have got to have their lighting their calcium needs taken care of or they will RTN, bleach or just die off.
i just got my containers for my topoff system..i still have to get a should be up and running by Tuesday or Wednesday..hopefully i won't go through this again!!!