Frankie's 120gal. glass experiment

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What an awful tragedy :( I'm so sorry that this happened to your dog Biscuit and I hope he has a full recovery. I know dogs can get to be such a special part of the family. Keep us posted here on his condition!
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Well after a lot of skill and quick thinking from the vet, he's on the way to recovery. The biggest trouble atm was his right side lung. It was ruptured and the air going into it was filling the outer lung area. Dr Zeifman worked on him all Saturday and at 9:30 pm she called me and asked if I wanted her to try to remove the air around the lung so it could expand better. Of corse i agreed and she did it. The trouble is, animals that have that kind of damage normally die. Her brother is a human emergency doctor and she called him to see what they to to humans in that condition. Between the two of them and mixing meds they were able to stop the air from reforming in the outer lung area. He's up and walking now! He's got a tube sewn and stapled down his head going into his lung keeping it with oxygen. We went to see him today and he recognized us and even ate and drank for us. the Vet is very excited about her new discovery and she's a hero in my eyes for life. Bless her heart.
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Good for you and Biscuit!! I kept thinking about you and your dog today wondering how he was doing. I am such a dog person and I felt really bad about what happened. Great news!!! :)
Thanks everyone for waiting. Sorry to hold this thread up with my pup but it happened. He's doing well and is home now. tons of stuff going on with him and if you want to you can read it all on my other thread in RS.
The tank got a little neglected through it all but is doing very well. the closed loop and coast to coast overflows are better then i could have imagined. The dituris is staying in the column and not on the bottom as planed. Some of the tangs got ich from all the change over but i have them on meds and there eating and swimming very good. They will be ok. most of the corals are open now except the ones that oh well, was to be expected from all that's been going on here. lucky is was just two. NBD. I'm going to be rigging up the skimmer from the 90 tomorrow till i can build a better one. its a good one and will hold me out till then. I'm going to brains (PSU$ME) on Sunday to get the caps he held for me all week. There big and awesome and ill get some pic's going after i have them in my tank. Thanks for all the kind words everyone about my pup:) its been a long haul and its not over yet with him but he's home and next to my bed again. Thank you.
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frankie glad to hear your pooch is back home and doing well. :) keep us posted on both the dog and the tank. steve
Great news Frankie! I'm glad to see Buscuit is back home to get well. Being where he is comfortable will help with the recovery....for everyone. Keep us posted on both your 4-legged buddy and the tank.
hello everyone. Im going to get some pictures tomorrow for you all.The fish still have ich but im working on it. Someone told me that the amp master 3000 im using for the closed loop needs to be grounded from that brass screw on top of it. Is this true? I trust this guy a lot but im curious if thats what you all do with your pumps. please let me know. Thanks.
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Crap - if that's the case....I guess I'll need to do it, too. Waiting for others on this one....
Frankie grounded the unit is not an absolute (as the pump has a ground in the plug) but it soemthing you can do as an extra. I have it on mine, the easiest way to do it s to buy a cheap grounding pprobe. Just screw the end of the grounding probe into the pump and then plug it in.

OK, let me get this right. I have a probe thats is in the sump going to the GFI's wall socket plate. So the copper screw on top of the pump is a grounding screw and could be set up in the same way. Ok. Thanks for the info Mike. your always there for us all:)
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Everything is going well with the dog. He's up and about now eating like a horse. It's a miracle. Ive been working on the tank a bit and its doing awesome except for a ich problem on 3 of my fish. If i don't get control over it in a day or 2 I'll start asking for help. I never had ich before but am getting a good education on it now. poor guy's. Well, they say when it rains, it poors but im seeing a break in the clouds now so im holding on. At work today a bird flew over me and pooped on after that i went on an estimate and landed a big job. I hear it's good luck to get pooped on by a bird and think i believe it now. :)
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Wow i really neglected this thread! well theres a lot that has happened since i left off so ill fill you all in quickly:
I ended up loosing all the fish in the tank from ich except for the yellow tang.
i moved from NY to Charleston SC and started a new company. all is well! :)
Biscuit is doing well and is normal except for seizers every 3 months or so. He's got a huge yard and ton's of kids to play with. My tank got a nasty scratch on the front pane during the move and i ended up removing the front pane and all the rest. I re-glued the bottom sides and front, replacing the front with starphire and adding a stainless steel euro brace to the top doing away with the center brace. The tanks up and running now with 208 lbs of Fiji, 16 green chromis, 1 majestic angel and a pair of akidnyos clowns that i brought home today. There are a few snails and a pair of peppermint shrimp in there too. No crabs! well i hope this fills you all up to date and heres a few pictures of where im at.
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Nice,First time reading this one. I must say great work on the tank.glad to hear the dogs alright^^. And Im looking forward to more pics:D