Well after a lot of skill and quick thinking from the vet, he's on the way to recovery. The biggest trouble atm was his right side lung. It was ruptured and the air going into it was filling the outer lung area. Dr Zeifman worked on him all Saturday and at 9:30 pm she called me and asked if I wanted her to try to remove the air around the lung so it could expand better. Of corse i agreed and she did it. The trouble is, animals that have that kind of damage normally die. Her brother is a human emergency doctor and she called him to see what they to to humans in that condition. Between the two of them and mixing meds they were able to stop the air from reforming in the outer lung area. He's up and walking now! He's got a tube sewn and stapled down his head going into his lung keeping it with oxygen. We went to see him today and he recognized us and even ate and drank for us. the Vet is very excited about her new discovery and she's a hero in my eyes for life. Bless her heart.