spongebob lover
flea whisperer
I started in electrical engineering, then swapped to civil engineering, took the senior level courses and got bored with the major, switched to mechanical engineering, took most of the jounior and senior level courses, stopped when I got an internship with Endyn (Energy Dynamics in ft.worth texas) for race engine design (life time passion), got back into college as an industrial engineer, finished up the entire set of fluid and thermodynamics, took the entire offered physics set (I love physics). At this point my girlfriend graduated from the college we were attending in Oregon and got stationed for her unpaid medical intership at UW medical center. I quit that college in Oregon when we moved, and started back in industrial engineering here in Seattle.
I have no degrees, and the engineering company I work for is baised in Tiawan. I specialize in connecting rod design and stress dynamics and intake manifold design on a job by job basis. We make some really kick ass parts that are re-sold under a wide variety of brand names. If you own a honda/toyota/nissan with a few basic performance mods, odds are my bosses company made at least something on your car. We also make all subaru STi camshafts currently, but I'm not really suposed to discuss that stuff.
I pay for school, my racecars, my RC helocopters, my chem experiments, my laser projects, my tesla coil hobby, and my Girlfriend while she is on her unpaid medical intership, and the reef thing on the side.
lol !!! you remind me my cousin who wanted to be a teacher, then he changed his mind and went to fire fighter, then to cop, then into Marketing and now he's studing law because he wants to be a detective since he works for a private company in Canada as a security guard .
I think you have a lot of hobbys and may be you should cut a little bit if you want more in reef keeping... just my opinion dood.