In Wall - going for it! - seeking your ideas/feedback/advice

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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wwouu dood your tank looks packed :D , if you ever need someone to babysit just let me know and i'll get some fragging tools:rolleyes::badgrin::lol: ....j/k :D .
Dori looks cute but your anthias looks freaking awesome dood.
the brain looks kewl but i think for me the winner is that purple with green polyps sps of yours (don't know name :p) it looks really kewl, was that pic with actinics or is that how it normally looks dood?
Hey guys,

things are still doing well with the tank. I've recently installed a frag tank and a refugium to the system and increased the capacity of my water changes to 74 gallons. maintanence on this system really isn't any more difficult that my previous 55g system. I thought it was going to be a lot worse, but it really hasn't been. Of course my electricity bill is ginormous.

Duane and I have been chatting about RE-AQUASCAPING. The idea he came up with which I think would be awesome is an L shape that wraps around the back and an island up front. It'll be a pretty major undertaking so I'll probably wait until after the holidays.

Here is a top down view.


Here are some updated shots that I took this morning (it still looks like a frag farm, but I'm hoping with some reaquascaping and a little time it'll look like a pretty healthy and full reef:



New addition: One of Jeff's (trehugger's) Duncans

Jayson's (Daily driven's) clam on the left & a newer crocea on the right..

encursting yellow montipora

Jan's blueberry turaki:

And lastly, Duane's big moma yellow stag:

How much spacing do you need for grow out,in 2 or 3 years any idea?

depends on the type of coral - there are slow growers and fast growers. it differs. As they start to grow out and into each other I'll probably have to start making decisions on what to keep. fortunately, I'm not at that position yet.

yeah, the birdsnest and the yellow stag are both getting to be quite big - i love 'em. No, I think what you're looking at is some funky colored orangy yellowey coraline (bottom center right?). I don't think I have any yellow zoos.
that is birds nest on the upper right? It looks like some sort of deepwater coral. It is pink. Nice tank you did it all in one weekend right hahahahahahahahahaha. Really is georgeous course sand would be nice.... I thought you had sand? Oh my I will have to reread your wonderful thread! I LOVE your tank.

Let me spare you the agony of reading 72pages of text. He is using starboard instead of sand.


Hey gang,
Sorry i've been a bit absent lately on the forums. I got a new job and it
s been some pretty crazy hours. I actually have only done a water change once since my last post. :rolleyes:

I've had some pretty good growth overall, but unfortunately also had some not so good luck with one of my favorite's (a blueberry turaki)

First the not so good (this baby was gone in less than 24 hrs):

And now, the good:







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