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I'm glad you all could make it. You are definately a fun group of people and we had a good time too. Thanks to everyone. Here are a few fun pix, I wish a took a couple more, but kinda forgot about the camera ..:D






No Fair! That looks like so much fun!!! I so wish we could have been part of the tankwarming party!
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I had a good time too and the food was good, I hope the frag I broguht over turns out great for you. Also great pic of my daughter along with my wife and I.....

Thank you Ben and kelly !!!
we had fun and the food was awesome :D, it was nice meeting all the people that showed up.

My kid and sister fell in love with your puppy dood.... very very cute puppy :D (i'm gonna be hearing.... i want a puppy!!.... for a whole month dood:lol::lol:).

uhh yeah i almost forgot, could you ask kelly, what was the green sort of guacamole stuff that was on the table? it was very very yuumi :D ...please.
Thanks for posting the pics for everyone to see, Ben. And for your and Kelly's hospitality. A fine time was had by all.... :)
You all are very welcome. It was a real treat for Kelly and I to have you all there. Great turnout and I hope you all had fun and enjoyed some good eats at the same time. Thanks for letting me share my tank with you too - it's really nice to have this project finally completed and show you all of the hard work that a lot of people on this forum contributed.

Many of you havne't seen or met Kelly before. But she has been repeatedly commenting to me over and over since Sunday "They were all such really nice people." I don't know if this means she'll be coming out of her shell and you'll see her more and more at the local reefer get togethers, but I can only hope so. :):):) Thank you for showing her such a good time. I've been trying to tell her about how much fun you all are, but I think it finally hit home after Sunday :)

Ken - you did most of the cooking, so I hope those brats were good. :D:D:D Thanks again buddy for helping me out on that.

Gabs- the green guacamole stuff was actually an artachoke dip that we picked up at either Costco or Central Market.

And lastly - thanks to everyone that brought frags or tank gifts - it wasn't necessary, but sure was a very very appreciated. I'm happy to report that all of them are happy with no signs of stress and have great polyp extension. If ever by chance you loose one of the mother colonies in your own tank that these came from, do not hesitate to reach out to me to ask for it back. Sadly, I probably know better than anyone it's nice to have a little insurance policy, so please think of it that way with an open invitation at anytime to retrieve the gifts if you ever loose the colonies in the future.

Ok, can someone point out faces with names? :D
Sounds like it was fun, shame we couldn't do something like this more often, sorta like a reef club:) LOL
Great pics Ben, looks like you really know how to throw a party. Sorry I couldn't make it. Yes need names on the faces. The socks eventually arrived. They traveled all around the sound. From you to Matt to Tracy, to Chris. Almost made it to Stevens LOLOL. You ever get some green slimer? Mine is doing pretty well and you're welcome to any if needed.
You cannot see my face but in one of the pictures. (the one with Ben and Gabby and her son) I'm in the back sporting the Seahawks 51 jersey I think talking to Duane.
an open invitation at anytime to retrieve the gifts if you ever loose the colonies in the future

Sorry to miss your party... the statement above is great proof of your ethic, and karma that will keep coming your way. All my best to you and yours, D
Sorry, work has been crazy lately. I've also been busy trying to fix a leak in my darned regulator valve and trying to figure out a way to get my new chiller to quite down. Also, can't seem to get a good picture during the day b/c of the reflection with the window across the way. I know, I know.. none of these are good excuses.

I'll try to get some pics up here soon ;)
As promised, here are some updated pics of the new additions:

Duane gifted this tricolor back to me after he nursed it back to health - I was sad to see it go, but now i'm really glad to see it back.


A little fuzzy Pic, but Matts125 brought me this one. It's quite cool with yellowy/brown base, some darker almost blue tips, and light polyps. Can't wait to see what this one looks like when it grows up:


Here's a light pink mili with what I think may be a bit of Yellow in it too - Thanks Steve, I love it!


Here's a pink stylo from Duane (awesome), and also that little nub of yellow you see to the right there is actually a purple bottle brush which Steve gifted back to me after I lost my old one. Boy -things really do change under different lights/conditions. Before, this was probably the deepest purple you had ever seen with think brittle branches- quite cool.


Here's the eye catcher in the tank - Pink birdsnest - another Duane special. He may still have another one if anyone is interested, you should PM him.:p

Cool clam I picked up from Jayson recently at a great price:

Some neat green plate frags Steven11 gifted me recently:

this next photo is a 2fer... here we have on the top left a Tenius compliments of Dang, and just to the left of that we have a really neat hair green acro comliments of Jan. Thank you both very much!


Another beuty from Jan that we've named R2D2. It has arms like a robot and also came mounted on a lego piece, so R2D2 sounds appropriate, yes?


A Duane Purple Monti special - Just lovely..

Another Duane special - this is the green, gold, and orange monti --- Duane you know where to find me if you ever loose your colony. Pic doesn't do it any justice, but this one makes me drool a bit.
new arrival pics continued:

Elliot's friend, Becca, hooked me up with a couple of her corals which weren't looking so hot but that I'm hoping I can bring them back to life. The first is quite an interesting piece of purple plating acro w/ green polyps. I had a bit of STN at first, but the polyps are starting to peak out a bit on the top of it which is a good sign I may be able to nurse it back to health.


The second is a big birdsnest - it's brown now, but I bet with some time it'll look pretty nice.

and the third is a purple poccilopora that I've recently seen hues of green growing on the base with the purple polyps. We'll see if it continues to grow more green on the base. if yes, this will be quite the eye catcher.

Elliot also gifted me back one of my montiporas that I lost during the electrocution event. I was very greatful to see this back, but I coudlnt' get a good picture if my life depended on it :)

Another one I coudlnt' get a good picture of is a blue w/ green tip acro from Duane - this is stunning in person, but you wouldn't know it by the picture:

Jamie brought me some very nice RPE's.

Duane gave me probably the hairiest darn mili you've ever seen. It's so cool I think I'll name it the "yellow chewbaca":

And lastly, one more from Duane (yes he is quite generous)... an upside down royal gramma - I don't think I've seen him swimming upright yet.. is it a bad thing to feed V8 to your fish? :)


Thanks everyone!!!!!
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