Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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You probably know this by now after Nikki's link (Where does she come up with all of these? lol)

pH is safe in the 7.8 to 8.5 range, but should be closer to 8.2 to 8.4.

Calcium should be in the 400-450 range. Much higher and you risk affecting the alkalinity.

Alkalinity has two readings that are commonly used. One is meq/L, which should be somewhere between 2.8 and 4.0. The other is dKH, which should be 8 to 11.

At least get a reading of your alkalinity before adding anything; calcium helps too. Even though you don't have to test calcium regularly like Travis said, you still have to know where you're at when you start dosing. If your calcium is low compared to your alkalinity, then adding a balanced additive will only keep it that way. Both Salifert and Seachem make good calcium tests.

Just because you completely disregard the knowledge we've spent years learning, through hard work, sweat, blood, tears and sacrifice; that doesn't mean we won't stop giving you advice to ignore. lol. I'm just messing with you. It's your tank; if it makes sense to you go for it.

Thanks Clayton, glad you woke up! LoL

When can i add some PODS, i was thinkin of buyin/addin a bottle soon, will they make it?
Whenever you have live rock you likely have pods. The problem is you also have fish, which will eat the pods down to a level where you might not see them very often. They will reproduce on their own in time, so I don't see the need for a bottle of them. That's one of the advantages of a refugium; they give the pods a place to reproduce without fish stalking them.

By the way, if you do get transferred maybe you'll get lucky and get moved to McChord here in Tacoma; RF country you know, lol. I know, I know, we're not supposed to talk about that.

I want to get a refugium, might have to get a HOB one thou because my sump might be full with that skimmer, i could throw some LR in there i guess, havent thought that far ahead yet

Yea, McC would be cool, that is where BigT is from, my Gparents live there too, so i would have family. I would rather go oversea's but we will see.

First rule of RF is, there is no RF
The last pic of the last post on page 10 of this thread shows a pic of the "red slime" i have in my tank, does that go by a more common name, like cyno or somthin', ill try to get a better pic later, when i sleep :razz:
Well Mister i cant take it slow, im a very impatient person!

By the way, welcome to the CIRCUS!

Little update, i tried to use my clear tubin hook-ups today, guess what, the 90' will totally restrict the water, so i went with PVC and have one hooked up, i need to go buy another part for the second one, i glued it all wrong, lol.

I tried workin on the skimmer today, dont know how to hook up the ASM G3 to the pump, i think i lost the instructions, i dont know... ill have to find a picture *hint hint*

Other then that, i got my Marine Fishes book today, so maybe i wont post 3499 posts tonite, yea right i know

I completely agree miah, but in this case Jiddy is actually one of our more patient members. He's been asking literally hundreds of questions for months now, and I think spent some time before that reading the forums. Now if we could only get most people to spend that much time researching before they take the plunge.

Clayton, can you believe we join'd RF at the same time, i just got 900 post today, i guess that means im as smart as you now? -JK- Did you hear that i had to go with most PVC when hookin up my pumps today, lol!
I noticed that about the posts, but you did get a one month head start on me, lol

Yeah, I saw that about the PVC. You'll like it better in the long run anyway. One thing I should've mentioned though, and you can glue them in anytime (provided of course that you cure the glue before connecting again, lol); and that's a couple of unions. They make things much easier to disconnect and reconnect. The only problem is they also constrict the pipe going through them.

i still have a 4in piece of tubin that comes off the pump that i will use for quick-disconnect, i kept it for that reason and the fact that i bought the PVC pieces to connect the pump to the hose, its all ghetto now, i leak check it tomorrow,lol.

About the one month head start, i joined on the last day in FEB so that doesnt count, lol! -JK-

Im havin trouble with the connection to my sump and the pump, it leaks throu the washers there, i went to HW store to find the same washers but they dont carry that size. Im still unsure how i will build baffles too, cuz the damn thing has little ridges in the sump.....

You can build washers yourself using silicone. Place a bead of silicone around where the washer goes and let it cure good (24-48 hours). Unscrew the connection, take the silicone out, and you have a washer for that connection. Pretty easy to make, and silicone is soft enough you can tighten it down for a good seal.

Do the ridges in the sumps run vertically? If there are deformations in the sump that won't allow gluing acrylic pieces as baffles you can always use... silicone! Just glue the pieces in best you can, then silicone for a water-tight seal. The stuff is damn-near as handy as duct tape. Just call me MacGyver.

Should i use a paperclip and a old lunchbox too? Thats a good idea, but would i need the Weldon40 too? i have to get this done, my tank needs to be skim'd, why dont you come over about 5ish tomorrow, sound good!

Ill just silicone the washer seals and be done with, they i have to figure out how to hook up a damn skimmer, lol
The lunchbox sounds great, but the paperclip is just crazy, lol

Being almost asleep I recommended something that won't work, lol. You can't use silicone on acrylic. It just won't seal to it. So, here's something you can do... Take acrylic shavings and mix them with the Weldon. It makes thick Weldon that you can slop on the spaces.

I guess I should wake up before giving advice.

I should also note that silicone still works great as washers, even if the damn stuff won't stick to acrylic.

See, you cant fool Mr.900 post, i knew about Weldon buddy boy! Ok, i dont, but.... are you a professional night owl or what? When do you sleep?

Hopefully i can get it all done tomorrow, i still have to sign up for classes too =(

My Amm and Nit are still low/zero but my Nat's are still CraZee, where am i in my cycle you think?
Normally I sleep from about 5 or 6AM to around noon, but lately I've been running my uncle to the hospital for cancer treatments; so it's thrown my schedule off.

What are your nitrates?
