Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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50-100? That seems rather high considering you don't have many fish and you have a 220 gallon tank. If it is that high you need to do some water changes to bring it down. Your initial cycle will be complete when your nitrates stop going up.

What kind of freshwater are you using to mix the salt in?

See, its all messed up, i had 160gallons of RO/DI water in there, and was waiten on a return call from the lady who had the 65gal, i was goin to use her water, so i called her and she didnt answer, so i filled the rest up with the hose, because i was goin to goto the LFS an get some LR from them to see my baserock, well of course, right after i filled it up she called and said its a deal, so i drained 60gallons from the tank and took her water and filled that up, so..... its like that, LoL
Have you ever had your tap water tested? The reason I ask is because sometimes well or city water can already have nitrates. Tap water can also contain a lot of other things too, like copper. It's quite likely you added some high nitrate levels when you put her water in the tank; although 60 gallons still only represents about 25% of your total water.

Like i said that 65g tank was NaStY! What do you think i should do then?

And i tested my water from the tap with a TDS meter, it was 300ppm, my culligan water jug in the fridge was 100ppm, and the RO/DI was was 0, it just takes a while to fill my jugs with the RO water and i have had 2 garage floods with it, my wife doesnt like it, lol
Keep doing water changes with the RO water. The bigger the better. If you could do a 50% one time it would be better in your situation, then two 25% ones.
Only thing i was worried about was takin away good stuff from my water? Or is it all on my rock?

Also, ive noticed my Wrasse swims with his mouth open? COuld this be from bad water? or is he just CraZy
I've had several experiences with basement floods myself, lol. Just remind her that its purified water you're soaking everything with; not the contaminated tap water from the pipes. I'm sure it will put her mind at ease :)

There's only one sure way to bring nitrates down, and everything else for that matter; and that's water changes. With a large tank like that it's helpful to buy a 55 gallon water barrel and fill that with your RO/DI. That way you can make larger water changes at a time.

Shes not worried about what kind of water, she doesnt want the carpet pad to mold, i can hear her now *Eiy Yayaa*

Clayton, the 55 gallon barrels are to expensive, i have 4 33gal barrels instead, lol. 2 are SW and two are FW, im goin to have to buy another Mag12 to use as a utility pump now that mine are all hooked up, will skimmin knock my Nats down?
Skimming will help take out impurities that will cause them, don't worry about doing water changes, nothing good in the water, all in the rock.
Yep, like Ken said; skimming won't remove nitrates, but it will remove organics before they breakdown and become nitrates. Basically right now your tank is a nitrate producing machine, since the bacteria responsible for removing it are slow growers. Until the rock reaches maturity you'll have to keep up the water changes to keep the levels down.

Using the old tank water is good and bad. Good for your fish, bad for your tank. Having water chemistry similar to what they're used to, even if bad, can take the stress off the fish.

Holy cow....I wanted to comment on something 20 posts ago...now I don't remember what it was! ;) :D :lol:. Oh yeah...the bulkhead. Glob a ton of silicone on that baby when you put it on there. That's how the bulkheads on my acrylic tank were installed. If you tighten the bulkhead too much, it can also make it leak....learned that on my overflow bulkhead :rolleyes:.

On the nitrates, continue to do water changes with RO/DI mixed salt water. I have a feeling the tap water didn't help things, but again....this is all part of the process. My nitrates were at 100 ppm when I cycled my tank (although I used uncured rock), and it was day 22 (they had been 100 for almost 2 weeks) before they came down to 50.

Hang in there!
Oh im hangin Linkki! Thanks for the help and kind words, i will be silicone'n those seals because no HW store in my town has them, i dont know why not.... But i will be doin a water change in about a week, im gettin a Ma18 from a fellow Dakotan....

Anyways, i wanted to show you my ghetto pumps for flow, that ive been fightin with for two weeks, and my ASM G3 Skimmer which im havin trouble with, where does the white tube go, and what does that big tube next to it do? STEVE???????? THanks in Advance

Big tube is where the water comes out, you should be able to move up and down to adjust the water level in the skimmer for best skimming. White tube is air inlet to the pump so it can make all those neato bubbles.
I'm looking at the picture on the right of your skimmer. Are we talking about the tube with the sponge on it?