Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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Take a deep breath, and tackle one problem at a time. Don't get down man. Make sure you have a good foundation to grow on.
:shock: man that tank is looking good, take your time you will get the minor problems worked out, smoking man sokin!
Hey man Relax its going to be ok. On the tunze I didnt know you wanted the rock blower. If you go with that set or any other set you have to get the rock seperate. Thats only 16 times turnover though. I was talking about just one 6200 tunze which does not fit in the plastic rock and a sea swirl for your return. Its 23 times turnover However the two pumps are nice and the multicontroller is neater than the singletroller. Just think I was talking to you at work last night, and now I am up going to work on other peoples tanks all day. WOOOOO!!!!!!! Sleep is for french people. Sleep sucks!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooo.
I was going to suggest the teflon tape, but Kensn already did that :).

If you are serious about the Tunzes, then what you linked is really nice. You will be really impressed with the controller, too. The other option you can check out, if you want, is the Tunze Wavebox. I have yet to see one working in person, but I've heard they are awesome, too. I think you should keep working on your closed loop. My closed loop had to be cut off the tank the first go around, because every joint leaked after my water test. We've all been there....try not to get too frustrated......you've shown incredible patience so far! I do have a question about the drain from the tank to the sump. Is that was is spraying all the way on the left? I would watch the amount of splashing you get from it - it could make a mess on your stand. Also - take a couple of mouse pads to put under your closed loop pumps...it might help out with the noise.
Thanks Nikki but it gets real sickenin to take that whole manifold off the tank because a new leak appears, then you leak test in the garage overnight and of course its fine, you hook it up, and you get a leak an hour later, silicone silicone glue glue i am about to weld the pvc together, it would be so easier if i had a inWall, i will be buyin a house in Jan and that is a must, 4 bedrooms, one for me, 2 for kids and one for the fish, wife already ok'd it, lol!

Ill have to wait for the Tunze's, even thou i could get them (wife said so) I just wish i put more time into the CL's when the tank was dry

I will be puttin the overflow drain into a cup so its not splashin aroun' just didnt have time today, its pretty loud too, like a waterfall.

Thanks about the mousepad theory, but its not really vibration, its more the impeller bein a little loud, but ill try some to see if it helps at all.

Thanks for the help thusfar

Hey J-low don't sweat the noise just yet, get it flowing smoothly first, there are things you can do to tweak the noise factors out later. On the PVC, if you have small leaks then dry off the spot, put the purple PVC primer on the spot then dab a little PVC glue, this should work on those spots. Although I was lucky in not getting leaks with PVC I had experiences from daddy years ago so it helped me. On the good side, PVC is rather cheap to redo or designing, it sometimes is necessary but well worth the extra planning & redoing.
Jiddy - ever consider the glue you are using for the PVC is bad? That's what happened to me. The glue used to put the PVC together was bad, so that's why everything leaked. When the plumbing on my closed loop was redone, a new batch of glue was used. The primer then that blue "rain n shine" glue (I think that's what its called) - everything has been great since.

I'm surprised your mags are that loud...mine hardly makes a sound at all. Hmm...I'll leave that to those more equipmentally inclined :).
I think that the plumbing issue has been one of the hardest tests to pass in this hobby. People alway's talk about how hard it is to keep certain live stock but plumbing with out a doubt has caused more people to leave this hobby.

I have learned that pvc is not very forgiving. If it is leaking it must be tore down and replaced. A small dab of glue here and there will stop some leaks but if you are experiencing multiple problems you will have to bite the bullet and re- build.

I have installed underground sprinklers and lately I have been using poly pipe. Most of my local cities are using this to run water to home sites so it handles pressure OK. I never thought to try it but is very easy to use. Would be no problem to connect to pumps etc. Must use clamps and special clamp pliers ( $15) to get a good seal.

Anyone ever tried this?
Nope sure havent, but I will look into it. Your talking about the pipe they use for sprinklers right? I just use the heck out of spaflex and hard where it needs to be hard. Jiddy here are some tricks for pvc glueing. First you have the right tool to cut it. I saw it on the floor. Purple primer is the way to go for me. both pieces and wait a few seconds. Then the glue and hold it together for a count of ten. The chemical reaction wants to push the joint apart and cause leaks. True unions will save your ass. I use the pink teflon tape its very thick and rated for gas pipe use. It cost 3 times as much but it works which in my mind is alot cheaper.
And then the best way for me to learn is do it wrong, do it again, figure out where its wrong, and then do it again. After that time I usually have a good idea of what not to do anyway, and usually can come up with something that works.
Here is my Steves a idiot story about pvc.
My plumbing had been up and running for a very long time, and then I get up and see a huge puddle of water on the wood floors. I freak out. I find the leak. I decide to just redo the whole return system. I go get the stuff. I come home I take the old apart and what do you know I didnt glue it all where it decided to leak. DUHHHH.
So how I make sure I never do that again prime a little extra up the pipe so I can see it.
Also another trick is a sharpie marker to mark lines for orientation of the fittings.
I will shut up now.
Its all going to be ok.
The wild eyed commie lady says so too.
Steve I'm a little worried about your attachment to the Nazi lady ;) . Very good tips on the PVC glueing. I just want to add give the pieces a little twist when you insert them into the fitting to spread the glue well, I think a 1/4 turn is what is recomended. Don't get sloopy with the glue but use enough, try not to get on the inside but a nice little bead on the outside is ok, wipe the joint with an old rag when wet to give it a pro look. :D

Hey She is a Communist. And I love her. She is so so sexy. Mmmmmm..... Look See her eyes? She is bat sh#$ crazy. Thats hot!!
It really looks to me she needs some meds. Thanks for the larger pic, that puts it in perspective. Man I wonder what is going through that head of hers at that moment.
Jiddy, if you go with that stream kit I don't think you will be happy in the long run. 6000's don't move enough water for your tank. I would recommend 6200's or 6100's at the least. I have 1 6200 in my 280, in addition to my 2 CL's with Sequence 5800's and my return with an Iwaki 100. The 6200 is real nice, but even then I think you would still need a couple of them if that is your sole source of water movement besides your returns.

However, I would recommend trying to get your current CL's working. If the leaks are in the PVC, all you have to do is take and put some thick gobs of PVC glue over the leaks and they will be fine. I've done it before with high pressure pumps and your pumps are not high pressure. I have some ideas as to why you may be having problems with your mags. First of all, your intake in the tank only has a few small holes drilled in it. This is probably not enough to allow the water to move freely into the CL without the pump having to "work" to get water. You never want to make a pump work to get water. I would drill about 10 times as many holes as you currently have for the intake. The restricted intakes could also be causing your CL pumps to cavitate, which may be where you are getting all of the microbubbles from. The noise you are getting from the pumps may be because you are using soft tubing and it doesn't look like you have all of your CL plumbing firmly clamped down so it can't budge. You have a bunch of hard pvc connected to the pump with soft tubing. The weight of the pvc when fill of water will cause it to move and pull on the pump twisting the pump. This twisting effect could be enough to cause the impellers to rub against part of the pump. I have seen this happen even with bigger heavier duty pumps like Sequence Darts.

What size pipe did you plumb your CL's with? Are you aware that it is recommended to plumb mags with 1.5" tubing. That is what they use to get their flow curves and anything smaller severely cuts back on flow with those pumps.

Lastly, everything is looking great. You've come so far. Don't let a few plumbing leaks get you down. Heck, it may not even be plumbing leaks, it could just be your pumps cavitating. You don't even want to know how many leaks I had to fix when plumbing my current tank. Nobody's setup ever comes smoothly as planned without problems. You learn from the problems you make and then the next time you set another tank up you think you will not have any problems because you know how to avoid them. Then you end up with another whole set of problems that you never thought about. It really is a never ending cycle. We are always learning.
Hang in there Jidzter!
Don’t loose your patience man! You’re getting some good advice here!
But I think maybe you should just bite the bullet now and start re-doing one c/l at a time with new materials and all the advice given.
You can do it man!!
Go Jidz! Go Jidz! Go Jidz! :D