Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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jiddy nice pick up. glad to see you finally have it. Ive been working shifts and ot and havent been here in a few weeks. how did you make out with the live rock? steve
aahhh, i didnt realize you have a glass tank, hence your plumbing woes :lol:
i've always had luck drilling glass with a dremel, when i've had to do it my self. the "calfo manifold" is always a good one to do with a glass tank, mabye in conjunction with a spraybar underneath the rock.... so many decisions!!
im sure it'll be sweet though. :)
sryder said:
jiddy nice pick up. glad to see you finally have it. Ive been working shifts and ot and havent been here in a few weeks. how did you make out with the live rock? steve

The guy kept his LR so i bought 100lbs of baseRock from OceanReef and am goin to seed it with a few lbs from my LFS. Since ill be out of town again on the fourth of July i dont want to get to involved yet, so it all works out!
skimerwhisperer said:
aahhh, i didnt realize you have a glass tank, hence your plumbing woes :lol:
i've always had luck drilling glass with a dremel, when i've had to do it my self. the "calfo manifold" is always a good one to do with a glass tank, mabye in conjunction with a spraybar underneath the rock.... so many decisions!!
im sure it'll be sweet though. :)

Do you think we can make a HOB CL for this badboy? Drilling it really isnt an option for me, not only am i to chicken but my wife would never be down for it anyways :shock: Im really only workin with 6in from the wall too? :(
yeah i've made several of those "melev h.o. squid closed loops", my only suggestion would be to use the grey electrical conduit instead of the white pvc. you could easily modify his design to do a spraybar under the rock as well. my other little neat trick is to capture a bulkhead into the corners of the tank top on the little lip the glass sits on, then attach lockline to the bulkheads, aiming them to wherever from each top corner. i wish they'd come out with that 1" squid already, there like a year past due!
So should i just go to HWstore and buy a bunch of grey conduit or should i map a plan out, i dont really know how much to buy
definately get your measuring tape out and try to get a rough estimate of what you want your plumbing to be like, of coarse drawing it on computer or paper would be nice too. i like to get a grease pen and kinda map it out on the back of the tank as well. what kinda pump are you going to use?
im wondering if a squid is going to handle a mag12, i cant remember off the top of my head what the max gph though the squid is, it might just be better to ditch the squid anyway, and go with a mag 18 imo,that way you could have 4 outlets pumping 450gph each, one in each top corner.
Soon as my bank opens i can get the mag's on order, lol! SO you think one Mag12 will be good enough for a CL?

As of yet, I have refrained from entering into your wild rabble of a tank thread, but at risk of you being terribly dissapointed in the future I would recommend you go MUCH higher than a mag 12 for a closed loop on such a large tank. Do you have diagrams of the plumbing so we can look at how many outlets you are using and what size to get and idea of the actual flow that will be moving through and out of the pipes? GPH by its self is virtualy useless where closed loops are concerned, if we can not understand the reduction of plumbing, friction and head loss and how the relative sizes of the bulk heads, fittings and outlets will manipulate the Feet Per Second at which CLS water will be traveling out into your tank.


I am very much with skimmerwhisper on the ditch the SCWD comment. They claim to run from a minimum of about 50 GPH to a maximum of 1400, give or take 100gph. These little buggers are just begging to get clogged in an inaccessable loop and you sure as hell don't want to get stuck with it only firing out of one port.
In my opinion it is either MBV, OceansMotions or nothing. I personally don't use any alternating current devices. I concentrate on forcing laminar flows into eachother creating cautic water movement, it is the easiest work around wave making that I have found.

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Macbeth417 said:

I have refrained from entering into your wild rabble of a tank thread, but at risk of you being terribly dissapointed in the future

:badgrin: :evil: :badgrin: How sad yet true, and i have two large wild "rabble" threads too, just want to do it right the first time, and to be honest i have bought the books, they just dont show me great flow charts with specific brand parts

Im almost done thou! I promise, for setup anyways, then i can start a maintainin thread! :lol: :lol:

Never doubted your fervor to do this correctly, you have almost out-posted my nearly three years of RF time in a matter of months, I was just trying to head you off at the pass before you ran into what could be a potential problem in the future. It seems you have decided all your plumbing and pumps and are wrapping it up, so I will sneak back out of view and wait for the maintenance thread. Best of luck to you and your tank Jiddy!

If you ever want some one on one advice feel free to stop by the #reeffrontiers irc channel, we have a research bot there and there are handful of experienced reefers that are almost always on hand to answer your questions.

Now, More Pictures!

ha- very nicely put macbeth,
sooo, if you havent already bought the mag 12, dont buy it! get something bigger, remember, your shootin for at least 20x from the closed loop, so something more around 2000gph at least. disreguard my mag 18 suggestion, how about a mag 24, isnt that there biggest size? also, im wondering if a dolphin might be better at that gph, less heat??
LoL, right after i talked to you last Skimer i went and bought two Mag12's? since they are only $50 a piece..... should i cancel my order or........ehhh