Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I'm probably the last person who should answer a plumbing question, but I think that your overflows will flow at the same rate your pumps return the water. Synchronicity. It took me forever to figure that out :D
I figured id give you guys an update, i know i must of scared some of you by not askin a million questions every day, but im still around. Just been workin a differant shift and tryin to save for my Minneapolis vacation next month.
My tank is still sitten empty in my bedroom, the wife doesnt seem to mind! I have most of my equipment (heaters, test kits, PH monitor, RO/DI water, 100lbs base, moonlights, VHO's fixed) basically i need 200lbs more of rock, salt and ill start to filler up. I won a big poker pot this weekend and was goin to get more rock and salt, but then the next day i got a $120 speedin ticket, so that idea got shot outta the water. But soon enough, probably by the end of July i will be done with everythin except the Skimmer, which i dont need right away anyways. My two questions:

With only 28" clearance in my stand, what skimmer should i go with? I really am just thinkin of 2 ASM g3's, one now, and one once my bioload starts gettin up there? (saves cash and gives me more options with 2 skimmers?)

Now the flow part AGAIN! Real quick.... Can i make two square CL on the left and right sides of the tank connected to a Mag12 and have the Iwaki sump return take care of the middle section, with 4 nozzles for each square (4x3=12) will that work and be good enough?

You know i love yea

The skimmers would work height wise anyway. Man, I would hook up on a couple of tunze and a 1" seaswirl. Awesome random flow pattern and hardly any plumbing hanging over the back of your tank. No holes in the glass, and 1100 gph rotating thru 1" s.s. and 2x 2850gph cycling up and down thru two tunze. 6800 gph. Very random flow. Steve
Jiddy - I'm not so if you've seen this thread. Here is a post I pulled from it. bigdave has a skimmer made by IAP (sponsor of RF) that fits under his 300 gallon tank in the stand. Take a peek at it and see if something like this would work for you. You may want to shoot iapbrian or iaplarry a PM on the board for pricing, then compare that to your 2 ASM G3s. Two Tower Skimmer - Single Post
Havent Had much time to dink with the tank, i did however just get back from Minneapolis where my wife spent some cash at the mall of America, and i didnt, i told her i would just like to get stuff for the tank, she said okay, so i just got done orderin my bulbs, 4 160 buckets of salt, refractometer, GFCI unit and 200lbs of rock, so all i need now is PVC for flow and a skimmer!
I just saw your post from a while back about asking a million questions. If there's one thing we all have in common around here, it's our ability to talk non-stop about aquariums, lol

It looks like your tank is really coming along. Be sure to take pics of the setup. You know it's a bizarre hobby when you enjoy looking at pictures of other people taking rocks out of boxes.

Excellent Jiddy! You are on your way! Very exciting!

Went to HW store and picked up the 1 1/2 PVC for my CL Manifolds. Both will be powered by their own Mag 12, here is some pics of my idea
The first pic is the overall design, just the corners and T's. I got the T's that are 1 1/2 and actually turn out to a 1in.

The second pic is to show how the design will be one manifold for each side of the tank

Third: this will be the piece that takes in from the tank and goes down to pump, i got this piece so i could fill the manifold the first time i run the setup

fourth is just another pic for you pic peeps!

Now shoot me your constructive critisism

I think it looks good, Jiddy. Are you going to have the PVC go into locline or are you going to just keep it PVC in the water? The locline would allow for directing the flow, but it isn't a necessity. You're almost there!
Thank you Nikki! I know i am almost there i can taste it! I just want to thank my LFS and RF for the inspiration! All i need now is Sand and a Skimmer but those can wait for a little while! I will be gettin locline so i can direct the flow, where do i get it from? My HW store doesnt have it.....
Jiddy said:
Thank you Nikki! I know i am almost there i can taste it! I just want to thank my LFS and RF for the inspiration! All i need now is Sand and a Skimmer but those can wait for a little while! I will be gettin locline so i can direct the flow, where do i get it from? My HW store doesnt have it.....

Lookin' good man. Usually I end up ordering locline from one of our sponsors here at RF. Your LFS might, and I say might have it. Keep the updates coming!!
Haole said:
This is the only place I can think of....


Remember Jidz..... PATIENCE!!!!!
BTW.... Are you really sure you want to put sand in there?!?! lol

Couple of questions, should i get the flares? My question is i have 1" PVC tips, so would i have to get another connector for the 1/2" nozzles?

Your tellin the Jidz about PATIENCE? its been almost 6 months of research brother, i can hardly take it anymore! :lol: :p :lol:

And there is going to be big beds of lushish sand my friend! Dunes of happiness in the Jidz tank!

charlie said:
Lookin' good man. Usually I end up ordering locline from one of our sponsors here at RF. Your LFS might, and I say might have it. Keep the updates coming!!

Thanks Charlie! And ill keep you all posted! :D
Jiddy - check out this thread for links on locline: Loc-line. There are several listed online retailers, you can find the best prices.

Hope it helps!