Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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LOL!!! Ken:lol: yeah sure why not if he's willing to swim with me all the way to there... why not, we might get there without a foot or an arm but i think it'll be fun :lol: :lol:
Ah now i rember how great you guys where at hIJacking threads,lol, well least we are over halfway to 100pages lol

So, how bout those USC Trojans ay!
[Isnt that a brand of condoms? Is the USC like for Unusually Strong Condom?/QUOTE]

you know I didn't wanna say anything, because i don't want you to think i'm nuts or just dirty mind :D:lol: :lol:
Jiddy said:
Ah now i rember how great you guys where at hIJacking threads

I almost forgot how good it feels to Hijack......:badgrin:

Hey I thinkI got my PC working....:D
Hey man Jid...Atleast it wasn't me for once with the hijacking. I gave that stuff up for a bit. My post count is getting too high from it!
LOL!!! yeah right Krish, you are the main one hijacking all over the place!! :D .
I'm glad you finally got your PC working dood :) way to go.
well i'll be glad to see more pictures when you returned from Guam :) .. future frag man ;)
Gabby... isn't it the truth... Krish Hijacks evry thread in here.... I can't believe he can even dare call someone a hijacker.....
Gabby... isn't it the truth... Krish Hijacks evry thread in here.... I can't believe he can even dare call someone a hijacker.....

lol !! true :D but it's ok, just because he lives in the Bahamas :p
Well since Guam my tank has matured on its own and ive learned a little more about my tank. Things ive learned before you think them... (rember im moving the whole in two days)

1. My rockwork is terrible, the wall clump is not only cosmetically ugly, but its efficientcy for putting corals on it is terrible to. When i have all my rockwork in garbage cans on Sunday, hopefully i will be able to fly Krish out and get him to do it for me, or ill take some time and do it the right way

2. My flow system was a complete disaster, the two CL idea was terrible, having the overflow in the middle with two CL's blocking the sides of the tank from flowing to the overflow created little pools of crud, i finally took one CL off and as you can see from the dark brown algae, it was a disaster. SO then i by two big Seio 2600 and if you blow them toward the rockwork it shakes, lol, and away from it seems like it still doesnt keep detrius from settling on the sandbed, which before i left could stay a nice white instead of the ugly red. Well the pumps were so powerful, my little clown goby got stuck in the thing and died, well the next day, my big fat mandarin who floats when he sleeps, yea, him to. So i got the clue and turned them down (duh)

3. I love my tank, but ey-yai-yai. I have the new bulbs waiting to be put in the tank after the move, so the anemone is mad as well

4. I need your constructive criticism and help to get back on the glory road

On a positive note, all the fish and corals (minus the anem) are happy


PS Krish i know ill take the back off when i move ok!

i see now you got more corals hehe :D .
hmm yeah i'd definetly try to make more of caves with your rocks or may be make holes on them and try to attach them with something, i believe Mojo did something like that with his tank but i dont' remember what it is called :p.

If i was you i'd also start saving up some money and get may be 3 tunzes :D :p i think they'd do a better job than the Seios hehe.

About the sand... hmm screw the sand it makes it look ugly and if i could i'd remove mine too because i always have to siphon it, so you should definetly give it a thought.

About your background, don't mind Krish, it's gonna turn pinkish anyways :) .

I believe you and Puffer Princess are doing a good job.
hopefully i will be able to fly Krish out and get him to do it for me, or ill take some time and do it the right way

No prob Jid!... Anytime! And about the backround, you'll be surprised at the difference just by removing it all togeher. I've tried the blue and black and I love the effect MH's give against the blue, but since I have an acrylic tank being built and will be doing a CL with bulkheads and lockline, I switched to black. I'm curious to see what the black looks with the MH's. Best wishes with the move:)
Jiddy - I'd say your tank fared very well, considering how long you were gone. Your wife should be applauded! You could have come home to a green swamp.

I don't know if you have any interest in making your closed loop outputs come down more into the tank when you set it up again (as opposed to the top outputs on the manifold)? It might help with your flow design, and if you add the powerheads, too, then you'll probably have nice circulation going on. Just be sure to direct some of the flow towards your overflow box (boxes?)

Do you have a plan for the move? Where is the livestock going during the move, do you have enough new water, etc?
Looks good man, but I bet it looks better when you get it redone, good luck. Just a word of caution tho, wear gloves when you get to redoing all your rock. We redid my buddy's 125 last weekend and he said his hands hurt for 2 days.
Good luck with the move and the tank, your wife did a hell of a job while you were gone!!!!!