Jiddy's 220g MASTERPIECE!

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Hey Jiddy,

I must say your wife did a great job while you were gone. I hope now she actually enjoys working on the tank bit more now.

I hope my newbie advice will help you.

I know it is important to have a good amount of rock in your tank for bio filtration. But, I am also a big fan of design and usibility. Most frags we buy already come on rocks. Something to consider while creating your rock design. I know I have added another 20lbs of rock with the small amount of corals I have. Try creating 2 or three mounds out of what you have then create plates going between them. Stack them so they create sort of a stairs effect in some spots. This way when you add corals you will fill that spot. One thing I like to remember is that corals grows. I am going to have an empty looking tank for a while. I like Zoanthids, they grow pretty fast so I got frags I could attach to my rock instead of a rock that I have to find a spot for. The smaller Blastomussa I have already has 8 new polyps growing around the original 2. My Colt coral. That I thought I got was small has grown big enough to frag. Insane!

Hope this helps. Have a great one. Hope to see new pics soon.
you know Ron that's a good suggestion, i always have trouble mounting my corals because of the space :p .
I seriously like what you did with your rocks Ron :D .
Setup is done, finally, only need to adjust my water levels (somehow i 4got that i had to do that, lol) Heres some aquascaping pics. Also, my advice to anyone that wants to reAquascape. If you dont have good pieces and cant make any, go buy some, thats what i did. Makes the job alot easier

Ill work on getting a better Full Tank shot, that was a good one until it got so small, but i must say im pretty happy with it now. I did lose one chromis and almost all of my blasto, but all the other corals/fish are doing great. I also made an attempt of taking out most of the crabs, i think i counted 8 that where attracted to a shrimpbait, so that aint to bad

That looks AWSOME. Great job man! I know your not one to take compliments. But man that looks sweet now. Can't wait to see more pics as you can add them.
I love it Jiddy! Much better IMO, than the last setup by far! Also, how you have it aquascaped will be a lot better for flow! Well done man...:)
looks good Jiddy! Did you have to add shims to level your tank since it was in the basement? I had to and it sucked.
heres my new deal, the sand is covered in that brown algae (i dont know if its cyano or diatoms) but i have enough flow and havent changed anything in my tank setup. I just want to have pretty white sand like everyone else. What should i test for/do
I'd siphon it off Jiddy while doing your water changes (top layer only if it is a dsb) and give it some time. You did have to tear down and move which could have disrupted things a bit and cause a small cycle. Also, maybe you can just check/test your make up water to see if all still looks good with it just to be safe. Just a thought...Good luck and hope you are doing well man:)
Well i am having a little bit of a problem with that stuff right now. Its all over my fuge and starting to grow in my tank. I figure that is is an algae and it is removing the nutrients in my tank and once the nutrients are gone then the algae should start to die off. So far the sump is showing less and less signs of it growing and more and more signs of it dieing!
Nick...Your tank just experienced a swap and move as well right? Maybe you are having the same problems as Jiddy with a small cycle from the move. It usually happens if the move isn't done quick enough, but with you guys having already established tanks, it shouldn't last long at all:)
When the tank was moved, was the substrate disturbed? Sorry if this was covered, but I don't remember. I would siphon it off, and treat it as an export source. I agree that you may have experienced a small cycle after the move. Do some water parameter tests, just so you know what your levels are (if you haven't done it yet).
Well i vacuumed what was there and sifted the sand around, tested the water and now the stuff is coming back. Nit/Amm is all zero Nitrate was 7'ish. I just bought new filters for my RO unit, the water was up to 18TDS. The red algae is in the crevices that i cant reach and spreads to the parts of the tank that i cleaned. So now my sandbed is back to looking pretty bad. When i sifted my sand, it seemed like the top part of the sandbed was "crusted" and a light grety layer was underneath the red algae, which was ontop of my nice sand. What should i be testing for? As far as flow goes, the stuff is growing on the glass right were the PH has blown all the sand away from, so it doesnt mind flow, and it spread to my puffer tank when i gave the fish some snails, so it doesnt need light either (the puffer tank just has the Walmart lights)