JIve's Custom 75g Build

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Suck out as many as you can.
Plug your skimmer air flow.
One and half to Double Dose Flatworm exit with all your pumps running
Follow instructions

Stressful but after I went this route I never saw them again
So far Melafix dip on the rics worked fine. I've been looking all over my tank and I don't see any more. I had only seen them on the rics and no where else which is good. Unfortunatly I think one of my rics didn't take to the Melafix strength too well and looks to be bleaching out. We'll see... thankfully it was my cheapest one.
Bryopsis control

I've been raising my mag levels to see if that helped and so far it seems to have a little but i still have some small patches of bryopsis growing on my sand bed. I tryto siphon as much out as I can during my weekly cleanings, thye're just really small patches, noting out of controll (yet...:shock:). Would a lettuce nudi work like I've read at eating this and just getting it gone? What are other methods people have used at eliminating or controlling bryopsis?
Suck out as many as you can.
Plug your skimmer air flow.
One and half to Double Dose Flatworm exit with all your pumps running
Follow instructions

Stressful but after I went this route I never saw them again

+1 Did the same with one of my tanks when I had FW and followed the directions with no ill effects on anything.
What are other methods people have used at eliminating or controlling bryopsis?

I've had good luck with raising my Mg levels to around 1630 for awhile along with putting a couple of lettuce nudis in the tank too. I loved watching the nudis eat the bryosis, helped knowing that I didn't just put them in there to do nothing. *lol*
Getting rid of my Dwarf Pygmy Angel. He's aggressive towards my clowns and just started eating some zoas. Not sure if the ones he ate are particularly appetizing or what since he's never nipped or ate anything else. He's in the livestock for sale section:


Angel traded. My clowns are already happier, they're swimming around more cause they're no longer terrorized. Now I just need to decide if I will replace him with someone else.... tail spot blenny...?
I was looking online about tail spots and its said that they're herbivores. I though they were like my midas which is an omnivore. I've been reading about the proper foods lately and my fish are carnivores and omnivores so I feed them accordingly. I don't want to change up the foods just for one fish. I think I'm leaning towards anthais. BRA has a few
Tailspot Blenny

Hey Jarod, You won't have any problems with getting a Tailspot Blenny. Mine eats the algae off of glass and LR plus loves frozen Brine Shrimp & Mysis. Its very healthy and quite a entertaining fish spending most of the time out in the open even when my hands are in the tank.

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Well then i'll most likely get the tailspot blenny then. The anthias is pretty but I want characters in my tank :). Anyone know which LFSs have tailspots now?
I ended up getting a male lyretail anthias. His colors are amazing! He's doing great eating and getting along with everyone in the tank and has already picked out his sleeping hole. I still will get a tailspot blenny but no LFS had it today when I did my rounds. I did find some lettuce nudis at BRA and I should have got one but for some reason I didn't. I'm not going to drive all the way back to BRA to get one.

I'll take some new updated pics tomorrow. I've moved some stuff around a bit since my last FTS.
This past Saturday I picked up two lettuce nudibranchs from BRA. I also got some of the same Indo Pacific Black sand. I need to siphon up some in my tank that has a little bit of bryopsis growing in it. I'll then replace with the new sand.

Yesterday I was a ARSA and picked up a juv. tail stop blenny and a medium sized cleaner shrimp. Everyone acclimated fine and are hanging out. The tailspot found the perfect size cave to make his home. So far he's just been staying there looking around. He's not yet ventured out. My midas is not bothering him either.
Hey Jarod, I'm sure he/she will become one of your favorite inhabitants of the tank. Mine most definately is. Wait until you see thier nightime coloration/movement
