Kannin's 225 w/ artificial rock wall & pillars

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Yeah... the first born are 46 days old. All 18 have survived and will be ready to sell in about 2 weeks. The Second batch of 43 were hatched about 6 days ago. 1 was killed by it's older siblings but, 42 are thriving. I divided off the 10 gallon they were in, to brood the new batch but, as soon as the lights went off on the first night... the hunt began and 3 of the older fish got in. I set up a 5 gallon the next morning and moved the new fry. I weaned the 1st batch off of live baby brine and switched them to cyclopeeze and mysis a couple of weeks ago.

Does anyone want any???
A mouthful...



Here she is back in the main display after 4 days of lots to eat.
I haven't sold any yet but, probably $13. I've got them cyclopeeze and mysis... and I think they'll be ready in a couple weeks.
I had three but, as soon as these two paired off... the male chased the other one away. I moved him to my other tank and got him a girlfriend but, they both died. I think they would live in a larger group or a pair... but, I've heard that they do poorly alone.
just saw his tank in person today,,very nice system set up,unbeliveable master piece artistic home made rock wall and island rock work,, 3 dimension aquascape for the whole tank lay out,,bunch of very happy fishes,,tank looks so real ..and thank you :)
Thanks Dang... Being relatively new at this, (18 months) it was a real pleasure to have you here. Thanks for all of the great knowledge that you shared with me.
wow!! looks good!!! have you shipped any fish yet? good work with your babies!! i love coral but there is somthin wonderful about raising baby fish!!
Love the rock work you did it is really coloring up and looking natural. I really like the towers of rock, makes it really look like a real piece of the ocean. Great work!
Thanks for the compliments. I haven't shipped any yet. I'm not even sure I would know how to do it. If I can't sell any locally, out of my house... I'll just take them to the LFS's for store credit. I've got 18 that are nearly ready, 42 that need about 2 more months and a batch in the oven that should hatch in 2 to 5 days.
Well... Friday afternoon, I noticed that my Banggaii's eggs had hatched in her mouth. This was the 21st day which is when I always move her to the other tank. When I netted her... she spit 25 babies out in the big tank with 25 predators and 2 big overflows. I got my wife and kids involved and we were able to round them all up (I think) plus about ten more that she released as we were catching them. We lost two of them to the carpet. They are in the ten gallon now, so now I have about 95 babies. 18 that are just about ready... 42 that have another 2 months to go and 35 new ones. I am going to keep her separated from her mate for 10 days this time to fatten her up.
Hey Kannin, I would love to take some of those off of your hands. Please let me know how much and how many I can have. Would like to have about 8 to 10.
Hey Tat2z 21,

The first batch is pretty much spoken for... but the second batch is about 30 days or so away from being ready. I want $12 a piece.