Krish's 10 gal Nano Build

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Nice! I wish I had a place to go fragging in :D I would not want to take a whole coral from the ocean anyhow. Being able to supply your own frags is awesome though.
I am surprised your not having a larger tank being the access you have to live stock.
Yea, just wanted something simple and small. The biggest tank I had was a 90 gal. Doing something simple and sweet this time though :D
Small update:

Looks like this tank probably will be put on hold for a bit. :doubt: My wife made a suggestion today that made a lot of sense. As some of you know, I have developed 2 herniated discs in my back. Been dealing with a bulging disc for about 5 years off and on, but injured my back real bad last summer (which herniated 2 of them) and has been constantly bothering me since. It is looking like there is no way around it, but having surgery because I can't live on pain meds ect. If I have the surgery, it will leave me unable to work or do anything for about 2 months while I heal. Seeing I will be the only one taking care of this tank that won't work so I'll have to wait it out a bit to see what I decide to do. I still plan to build the stand when I get a chance so the thread may still go on, but putting water in, might not be for a while. Guess we'll see :)
Looking good from the pics.

Sorry to hear about the surgery. Be well and get better soon. Hope that the surgery goes well and be sure to keep everyone informed on your progress after the surgery.

Looking good from the pics.

Sorry to hear about the surgery. Be well and get better soon. Hope that the surgery goes well and be sure to keep everyone informed on your progress after the surgery.


Thanks Alex! We are going to wait it out till the first week of Jan incase by some miracle my back eases up. In addition, towards the end of the year it gets hectic and busy so I figured it's better to wait unless I get worse. You never know though...Depending on how things go, I might just set up the tank with liverock and just let it run it's course cycling. That is the boring time anyways of reef keeping :p
Next to looking in the mirror...This has got to be the funniest thing I have ever seen :lol: :lol:

Seeing my back has me tied down a bit, but still wanting to get water in this tank, I went and bought this stand today from the LFS here. It is made from particle board HAHA!!!! :p Hopefully it will last just long enough for me to be able to build the real stand. I have a design already decided, a list of the stuff I'll need as well as all the measurements so it is just a matter of getting it done. I will use this lemon I bought to cycle the tank and when my back gives me a break, I will build the real stand and swap over :)

Works in the interim until you get better. Now lets see some water and LR in that tank.
Haha!! I should get an infraction for that stand :lol:

Going tomorrow to see if I can find something to hang the light fixture from. As is stands, I can't use the legs that come with the fixture to sit it on the tank because the skimmer sits in the way. Hopefully I can find something. Another hurdle is there are no hydrometers on the island right now :rolleyes: So I might be starting up the tank with NSW if I add water soon. Then there is the liverock issue. My buddy usually brings it in for me through his LFS, but his new supplier doesn't seem like he will export any so we are just waiting on word on that. If not, then I have to try and get out in the boat to dive up some. LOL!! I'll get it there eventually. :)
Haha!! I should get an infraction for that stand :lol:

So I might be starting up the tank with NSW if I add water soon.

Just weigh the salt 35 grams per gallon is close enough to get you cycled. :) No more excuses.

I tell you peer pressure is a serious thing!! :lol:

I drilled 2 holes in the light fixture to through bolt 2 "eye's" to hang the fixture. Didn't want to use the spots that came already pre-drilled. I used all stainless steel hardware including strips on the wall for it to hang from. All left now really is to get a reply back about the liverock to see if I can get it shipped here or if I have to go and dive some up myself. Then there's a hydrometer I need so I can mix the salt to where I want it and walla!! My phosban reactor I should have back soon and it will sit next to the skimmer which is to the back side of the tank. I think I may have just enough space for one more maxijet. We'll see. :)

Stand is still funny looking to me :lol:

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Just realized that there is an ac vent that blows right on the tank so a chiller won't be necessary but for the first time I think I may need a heater. Something tells me I may need to drill the tank and add in a sump because that side compartment will be packed!! :rolleyes:
Nice and clean Krish. I like it :)
BTW, I'm going to have to give you an infraction for that stand ;)
Sorry about the surgery, but after seeing a few friends try the club MED way, I would get the surgery also. Wise move if the doctors feel good about success.