Krish's 10 gal Nano Build

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get it wet, get it wet, get it wet,, it's soo small you could move it full of water after your stand is made.. CUMON DUDE we need corals and fish and life in that bad boy!
I tried spray painting the back of an aquarium with the Krylon Fusion paint and found that it chipped a little to easy and flaked off after one small chip.

Are you afraid of the paint chipping or does this paint not tend to have the chipping issues on glass?

Very cool and thanks for the updates.

Not too worried about it chipping. I'll see what happens with it. The way I may do the canopy will hide it anyways so painting it may not have been necessary :)

get it wet, get it wet, get it wet,, it's soo small you could move it full of water after your stand is made.. CUMON DUDE we need corals and fish and life in that bad boy!

Haha!!! Yea I know!! Hopefuly soon. :D
get it wet, get it wet, get it wet,, it's soo small you could move it full of water after your stand is made.. CUMON DUDE we need corals and fish and life in that bad boy!

lol, on the one side you have many many members of this forum always with the same basic advice.........
Go Slow.... Be Patient......Take your time.....

Then you have Adam..

gotta luv it
lol, on the one side you have many many members of this forum always with the same basic advice.........
Go Slow.... Be Patient......Take your time.....

Then you have Adam..

gotta luv it
LOL thats why my nick name is TURBO!!
I have the patience of a two year old in a candy store!

We kindly request that water be placed into the glass box at your earliest convienence.


(Brought to you by your fellow reefers at RF.)
Haha!! I am taking a vacation week next week, but it is really to rest my back (technically) but depending on how things go and how I feel, I may slap a stand together to fill it up :)
LOL!! :lol: I was just thinking, I still have a lot of crap to get before setting this thing up! I gave away almost everything when I took down my last tank :shock: I need to get cracking!! I need a hydrometer, test kits, etc etc. :rolleyes:
So I connected the maxijets today and man in there is tight!! :eek: 3 maxijets in this small chamber takes up basically all the room. I might have to put a "Y" on one of them to feed the phosban reactor because I honestly can't see another pump fitting in there, but you never know. Who's idea was this anyways?? :confused: :lol:

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Thanks Frankie! My whole systems total water volume will be less than just your skimmer's capacity alone :lol:
Thanks! I sat the Koralia in the tank and O-M-Gosh! I have no tank left :lol: I'm off this week so if the back allows me, I will try and get a stand done and some water in this thing :)
We could always add one onto your system to bump the water volume up a tad ;)
Can you go diving for your rock & corals in the Bahamas?

Umm... :rolleyes: Kinda! :oops: Fish and rock aren't a problem nor inverts etc. Corals are a different story. They don't want us down there hacking up the reefs etc so I usually just get frags off of pieces that have been broken off of the reef. Zoanthids, anemones etc aren't a problem. I think they are more concerned with our hard stony corals and so forth. We aren't allowed to import nor export marine life though without a permit. :)