Krish's Bahamian inspired 90 gal

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I posted these same pictures on a new thread, but felt it was a must to add them here too. These seem to be the best shots I have so far of my tank

You know Gabby, you should get that lip looked at. Drooling in a resteraunt can be imbarassing. Not to mention a shock hazard when you are typing. hehehe. :D

Looks great Krish!
LMBO! Comedy central! Gabby...sounds like Detri wants you to give him a little lip work:shock: (LOL)

Jeff...When I get ready to glue some frags, I'll pm you:D Sounds like fun....
Ready to glue some frags

Well since we are talking about it you need to ask Santa to get you some bSi insta-cure IC-gel super glue this is the stuff :eek:
My good buddy Ed Hahn turned me on this stuff:) Im telling ya Krish this is the stuff ;)
Get some before you Fraggin:)

krish75 said:
Jeff...When I get ready to glue some frags, I'll pm you:D Sounds like fun....
Well since we are talking about it you need to ask Santa to get you some bSi insta-cure IC-gel super glue this is the stuff
My good buddy Ed Hahn turned me on this stuff Im telling ya Krish this is the stuff
Get some before you Fraggin
Thanks Jeff. Does the stuff dry almost instantly so you don't have to keep the frags and rock out of the water for long?
What's going on here? You mean you can say "sand" on this thread and not get a spear chucked thru your chest?:lol: :lol:

There would be no more reef for me if my wife heard about "no sand" and "no creepy-crawlies" for her to watch!!! :p

Nice tank Krish, when are you going to put something in it? Is that 12" short one "over-scavenging or what?? :D

On a serious note though, if the water is that cold, where do the fish go?? :confused:

When is Christmas down there anyway, May? > Wave98
ROFLMAO! If you hear some Bob Marley music outside your front door then you'd better watch out!

LOL!!! ohh i knew people would come to their sences, when do you want me to be singing in front of your house Ron?... i'll sing no woman no cry just for you dood :lol: :lol: i'll may be try to rap with it:D .

Hey krish where are the Atlantis pictures, you said you were gonna go during the weekend, it already tuesday and no pictures :D and i agree with Jeff you better start getting some glue dood.
LOL!!! ok dood sounds good to me and may be by that time i'd already have all my bob marley collection to pass along :p
Soon Gabby soon(LOL)

Barry Christmas is in two weeks!(LOL) I'm hoping to get a powder blue or blue hippo this week. So far I have the yellow tang, the little wrasse and 3 perculas. I don't want to overstock too quickly(LOL)

On a serious note though, if the water is that cold, where do the fish go??

The water isn't that cold...Just too cold for me. The fish must like it cause they are still there. it's a good thing though that the water is cold...Gives me time to let my tank set up properly:)
I lost a clown today... The last big percula I had come in was being bullied by the other 2 (the same 2 that never got along) and was struggling for the past few days. Well, he's gone now so I'm back to 4 fish. I hope my powder blue comes in this week or my blue hippo. Such a sad day...:(
Key Word Is Gel

We no it won't Krish, But what makes this stuff so good is its a gel and it kind of sets up a little Dam around the frag and kind of holds it in place till the glue hardens You still have to hold it a little under water usally i just dry the frag with a paper towel then lay a beed on it then press it down on base rock or ??? I even started to glue some on my over flows because they are so close to the light:eek:
I will let you know how that works out..:) The problem is Its been hard to find localy for me I may have order some off the net...

krish75 said:
Thanks Jeff. Does the stuff dry almost instantly so you don't have to keep the frags and rock out of the water for long?
Sorry to hear that Krish . I hope you get your new fishies soon too

Thanks Detri...:)

We no it won't Krish, But what makes this stuff so good is its a gel and it kind of sets up a little Dam around the frag and kind of holds it in place till the glue hardens You still have to hold it a little under water usally i just dry the frag with a paper towel then lay a beed on it then press it down on base rock or ??? I even started to glue some on my over flows because they are so close to the light
I will let you know how that works out.. The problem is Its been hard to find localy for me I may have order some off the net...

Sounds good Jeff! I may have to look for the suff when I get ready to add the corals...Thanks!:)
Super glue gel

The Apprentice said:
Well since we are talking about it you need to ask Santa to get you some bSi insta-cure IC-gel super glue this is the stuff :eek:

Sorry for the "quickie hijack" Krish, but I gotta keep up on this "techie stuff".

Apprentice, Is this stuff better than the "Loctite" super glue gel? If so, where can we get it?

Back to the original programming! > Wave98 :p :)