Krish's Bahamian inspired 90 gal

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sorry whats PBT
well i think if ur gonna keep corals its important to maintaien mines apperntly low think that might of contributed to the dieing of my large elephant ear/leather mushroom coral losing anything from the tank saddness and angers me for not fixing the problem before it was appernt and losing a piece of life from my tank.

PBT (Powder Blue Tang)

Yeah, I need to check for it, but where I have only a FOWLR, I haven't made it top priority. I will get a test kit though...
hey guys heres the pick of my green coral goby and also the new tank layout and my coral banded shirmp having a go at the damsel
That's really cool Morgan! I like the layout. I have a coral bandit shrimp myself. I'll see if I can get a picture of him too
Nice tank Morgan.

Sorry to hear that Krish! I'm sure it will work out soon enough. Do a large number of the livestock sent your way die in transit?

When are you making the switch to full-blown reef? Are you waiting for stability, new equipment, etc.?
Sorry to hear that Krish! I'm sure it will work out soon enough. Do a large number of the livestock sent your way die in transit?

No, not usually. I guess with the Christmas rush and everyone importing things, I guess fish, for some reason, is not top priority(LOL)

When are you making the switch to full-blown reef? Are you waiting for stability, new equipment, etc.?

When you are finished with your tank and you ship it to me(LOL JK) Maybe by May. I have a few things I want to get, but I'm not positive exactly what I want. Also, I'm still trying to decide whether or not to change out my 90 gal all-glass for an acrylic 90 gal. Decisions decisions....
I wish I could teleport a PBT over there for you! I was at LFS today and he just got two PBT's and a bunch of tiny, tiny blue tangs...
I wish I could teleport a PBT over there for you! I was at LFS today and he just got two PBT's and a bunch of tiny, tiny blue tangs...

LOL...Yeah me too! I just found a weird thing in my tank when I was doing a water change. I have to wait until the water settles to get a picture of it for someone to id. I don't even know how to explain how it looks(LOL) Aw well, I don't get my fish but I find something new...:)
Krish give up!

Krish give up on those mean onry Powder Blue Tangs and go and catch you a baby atlantic Blue ( Yellow) and watch him turn into a very Pretty Tang! Them Powder Blue just always want to be the boss of the tank well that is untill you put in a sohal;)
Krish give up on those mean onry Powder Blue Tangs and go and catch you a baby atlantic Blue ( Yellow) and watch him turn into a very Pretty Tang! Them Powder Blue just always want to be the boss of the tank well that is untill you put in a sohal

Well, I really want a blue hippo, but can't seem to ever get one. I guess the PBT isn't any better(LOL) I think I'm just going to raise my salinity to where I want it now and call it a day until I get back from Orlando next month.

BTW, thanks for the advice Jeff:)
you know dood if i was you i'd go for the Atlantic tang, those fishes are just awesome !!

Yeah, they care cool. I wonder how they'd get along with my yellow tang though?

Anyway, I'm upgrading my lights for the hell of it tomorrow up to 260 watt pc's. My friend at the LFS has a coralife 260 watt aqualight in stock which I can get at a great price. I'll have to swap out a few bulbs though as they have (4) 6700k's in them. I talked to Steve (Wrightme43) the other day and he said their fans "conch out" pretty quick so I was a little skeptical, but figured for the price, why not...Remember, "What's money if not to spend!"

One question...What would too much blue spectrum cause? I "MAY" big may, have to order 10,000k's, but my friend is sure he has the 2 blue actinics. I'm trying to decide if to use the (2) Actinics with (2) 6700k's or the (2) Actinics with my (2) 50/50 bulbs? Or should I just wait on the 10,000k's (if he doesn't have them) before hooking up the new lights? Anyone...Anyone???? No corals going in, but a big maybe, an anemone...
Go BTA! With your Clown's they will love it. From everything I have read so far, the BTA has best survival rate and success. The two I have seem to be doing fantastic. They both eat Krill and cyclopleeze and I think the clowns bring them a little food when they eat too. They seem to be thriving, both are at least 3 times purchase size...
Thanks sounds great Tony! I've had an anemone before and it was beautiful. The tentacles were white and the tips were pinkish! Too bad i'll have to go overboard to get one...burrrrrrr!(LOL)
That is what I mean, swim in Lake Tahoe for 1 min. - It will be your Nevada Iron Man challenge! 40-50F in winter 60-70F in summer. This will be fun to watch...
Well, here's the latest (photos will be added soon)

I wanted more light in my tank, but I'm not really ready to totally upgrade my lighting for the corals which I plan to add next year, so I got a new 260 watt coralife aqualight this evening (for the time being). It came with (4) 6700k bulbs which are all already out(LOL) I am putting in my (2) 50/50 bulbs in it along with (2) Blue actinics. Should look really cool. The problem is this...One of the Blue actinics is bad so hopefully my friend from the LFS can find the new one he has laying around at his home. If not, then I'm pretty much screwed until I can get one in from the US which we all know is not going to happen until the New Year. That sucks...We just opened up the Pet shop tonight after hours to get the fixture and another timer and I come home and can't really use it. Aw well, worst case scenario is that I will have the same 130 watt 50/50's in my tank for now, but with 4 fans(LOL) I'll keep you guys posted...
Krish run one the Atinics with one 6700k and your 50/50s, you might like it. I ran my tank for a year and a half with 6500ks and atinics.... I liked the look...
Sounds cool Ken...Would that make one side of the tank brighter than the other or will it all blend in together and appear as one color/spectrum? I was hoping/planning to run actinics only for the first hour of my photoperiod in the morning and likewise in the evening. If I do that, that setup may not work(LOL)