Krish's Bahamian Photo log

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totally and utterly fantastic..

Thanks man!:) Keep an eye on things this weekend. I'm really going to try and go out and take some more photos this weekend to add here. It's been awhile since I added any photos because I've been dealing with getting the baby's room together and setting up my new tank. If the weather permits, we'll have some more pics. Thanks again:)
My babysitter should be on your island this am. She coming in on a cruise. How many cruise ships can attack your island all at once. I told her if she needed some island asst i would contact you. But she says the cruise deals with all tha. I would want the island help myself. They know more about things then written down on paper and read to the guests. Is this your first child????Hows the hospitals there?
LOL...Hopstials are up to date so it's cool:D About the cruise ships, they harbour can hold up to 6, I believe it is. The dock in the center of downtown where all the shops are so she'll have a great time:)
Bummer! There is a front or something passing through today and so the water was too rough to go out and collect some stuff. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, if not, there is always next week:)
Bummer! There is a front or something passing through today and so the water was too rough to go out and collect some stuff. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, if not, there is always next week

ahh you're still lucky dood !!

i wish i could go to the beach :D .
No prob! My pleasure:) Wish me good luck on weather this weekend (last week sucked!) so I can go out and snap a few more photos because I really need to update this thread:)
Good luck, want lots of pics. Bye the way, you having the a heat wave like we are. Its 100 with 10% humidity.

Yeah...It's been really hot here! Tomorrow is "supposed" to be a beautiful day so we have already planned to go out in the boat!:D
Yeah...It's been really hot here! Tomorrow is "supposed" to be a beautiful day so we have already planned to go out in the boat!

do i need to send you my baggies so you can catch something for me :D .
So whatcha got for us krish? Any new pics?

Very depressiong day... :doubt: I woke up this morning to thunder, rain and lightning (go figure) and the island was out of power for half of the day as a result. It is 5:00pm now and still black outside like it is going to storm so I got the shaft! So, it looks like next week again...
Finally!!! I got a few more for you guys from today. Not too much, but something.

Here's a hound fish that was swimming around the boat when I was eating some KFC.

He told me to throw him the bone so he could atleast tast the flavor so I did:D

Here are 2 different types of baby conchs. The one on the left is a no no to eat

Ever wanted to know what a conch looks like closeup???

A juvenile French angel I caught for a pic and released him

Did I say he was small???

I have a few more of the harbor I'll post a bit later:)
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