Krish's New 75 gal "Thing-a-ma-bob"

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In the last episode of as the Krish turns...........................................................................................:lol:
that looks really awesome !!!
ohh i wish i could do something like that for my tank .

Thanks Gabbs and you can do it. Just move that toothbrush out of the way and you'll be good to go:p

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In the last episode of as the Krish turns............................................. ..............................................:lol :

Almost man...Hopefully I can be back up to my old tricks tomorrow:p I feel bad for not visiting every thread to help others like I usually do...I'll make up for lost time soon enough:D
We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.
In the last episode of as the Krish turns............................................. ..............................................:lol :

LMBO!!! :lol: :lol: ohh that's awesome :lol:
I love it!!! Hope this time works.

The two vents on the sides are not necessarry since the back part of the hood is wide open for air suction.


You can use/put/add another small fans on those two side vents for additional output....

Im just afraid that these might create unwanted noise/humm to the tank.

Good job Krish!!!
I love it!!! Hope this time works.

The two vents on the sides are not necessarry since the back part of the hood is wide open for air suction.


You can use/put/add another small fans on those two side vents for additional output....

Im just afraid that these might create unwanted noise/humm to the tank.

Good job Krish!!!

Thanks Cesar! From the 2 hour test last night, things are looking very good, but we'll see when I get home for sure how things are looking. About the noise coming from the fans, not a problem at all. You hardly notice them especially if the TV is on or the central air kicks in, but even in perfect silence, the sump is louder so it's cool so far:)
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Why is you sump Loud?

That's pretty good English there Scooter:p "You" sump isn't loud..."You" sump is just louder than the fans with the back off of the stand now. Neither one is what I will call "loud". It's more like you just know they are on especially after the power goes off. The loudest thing is my air injector for the skimmer. It hisses:)
Just noticed this thread... your tank rules buddy!

ROFL! I just noticed it too...I have short term memory:lol: Joking...Thanks man...It is getting there. If the heat issue is sorted out when I get home, then I will be adding corals within the next few weeks. Hopefully all will go well...Thanks for stopping in and the kind words:)
Quick update:

To make a long story short, I came home and the temp only went from 80.9F-81.2F (0.3F swing). I'll let it run its course for a full week and if things stay the same then it's party time;)
That yellow tang is a beauty man. I'm seen some real sorry-lookin' tangs before and this ain't one of them!

Thanks man...He's really cool. If I come in the room he goes crazy following me around if I am by the tank. He is also a good eater from day one and find him to be real hardy and isn't easily spooked at all. I have some old pictures of him when I first got him in one of my old threads and he didn't look quite as good then as he does now, but was always active. Too bad you can't just keep 2 of them...If it was possible, it propbably wouldn't be possible in my tank because the fellow thinks he's king!:D
Just wanted to add a photo of my wrasse finally. Well atleast the best shot where he finally kept still for a second

Quick question: Didn't want to take the hours to read thru the entire thread:p but I noticed you have an Aqua-C protein skimmer? How do you like it? I have one on my 125 and I have the hardest time with it. If I do anything to the tank it immediately stops skimming. Let alone, on the odd chance that I do get it to skim it is so dry.
Quick question: Didn't want to take the hours to read thru the entire thread but I noticed you have an Aqua-C protein skimmer? How do you like it? I have one on my 125 and I have the hardest time with it. If I do anything to the tank it immediately stops skimming. Let alone, on the odd chance that I do get it to skim it is so dry.

LOL...I wouldn't suggest reading any of my threads...Just look for pics:p Yeah, the skimmer was a challenge getting to work properly. I flooded the place a few times toying with that gate valve, but eventually got it tuned just right. Also, by just changing the intake plumbing coming down into the sump made a world of difference with the skimmate. I have a thread here where I showed a picture of how I changed it. It worked great, but yeah, they are very sensitive to putting things in the tank. If my hand goes in, the skimmer drops off for about 30 mins easily. Now that it is tuned right, I get nice thick skimmate. I don't have much of a bioload and I clean pretty well, so I don't get more than a collection cup before it has to clean. I usually have to take the collection cup off and take a few paper towels and wipe it all out. It looks like brown poop!:D

Here is the link to how I changed the input to my sump that made a difference.:)