Krish's New 75 gal "Thing-a-ma-bob"

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Good Job On the Zoo's Krish how come you didn't get any of those blue ones?

Thanks Jeff...Which blue ones? Must have been the lighting:)

New tank is looking nice I like tanks when they first starting out.

Thanks Scooter! But what are you trying to say about starting out?:mad: Trying to put mouth on me?(LOL Joking:lol: ) How's this for my 90 gal tank before takedown to swap:D

wow krish the tank is looking good,the zoo look like the one in the picture u took in low how much did u get to spend on the frag of zoo:lol: :D ;)

don't worry i will no,no,no,no I WON"T tell:D :lol:
wow krish the tank is looking good,the zoo look like the one in the picture u took in low how much did u get to spend on the frag of zoo

don't worry i will no,no,no,no I WON"T tell

LOL...That is them:) Andrew got some too. There are literally thousands everywhere there. Almost looks like a pest to be honest out in the puddles(LOL) Thanks on the tank:) Getting there...
krish75 said:
Thanks Scooter! But what are you trying to say about starting out?:mad: Trying to put mouth on me?(LOL Joking:lol: ) How's this for my 90 gal tank before takedown to swap:D

You need a taller hood but man they look like twins, I need a new tank, what your doing with the old one?
You need a taller hood but man they look like twins, I need a new tank, what your doing with the old one?

LOL...:) About the old tank, I'm going to make it my sump!(LOL JK) Andrew is going to put stingrays in it I think. Freshwater that is...
now u need to go bigger,not smaller come on get in th grove

Yeah...LOL. I've got the height right, I just need to lenghten. A 125 was always on my wish list. Just need a little more wall space.:)
forget the wall space.. put it on one side of your bedroom and watch it before you go to bed .

LOL...My wife would shoot me!

O.K here you go Morgan. This is the CPR overflow hanging on the tank. The little pump sitting on top is an aqualifter. What it does is continuously suck air/bubbles out of the CPR so that it won't break it's siphon. You don't have to use one, but is recommended or a powerhead with the tube hooked up to the venturi. If you didn't have any of them, you'd have to suck the air out and then put a valve on the line and close it. Whta this means is periodically, you would have to open the valve and suck out the air otherwise if too many bubbles get in there (which equals air) you would lose your siphon and drain your sump.

Here is where it enters the sump. It is the white ribbed hose that is coming from the CPR

And why not the rest of my filtration:)

I did a little "test" yesterday and took the lid off of my sump and cut a hole in the back of my stand and put a small fan in there to see if I can lose a few degrees in my tank. Apparently, I had been reading the thermometer wrong and my temperature was about 87 degrees!!!! Since I put the back on the stand, it's like an oven in there. So, I added the fan to see what difference it would make...Try 79 degress now! Here's a photo of where I put the fan and also, of the lid off of the sump. I used two 3/4 inch abs strips to support my light and everything seems to be working wonderfully

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Oh yea trapped heat in the sump isn't good, I had a fan also blowing into it & the entire back was open.
that's a cute fan :) .
the one i had was the old typical one, it used to be a little bit noisey but it'd do the job :) .
ok now, i'm trying to understand your skimmer :p , what does the gray tube does dood?
and what does the other black tube does (not the one to your gallong bucket but the other one)?
LOL...The black ribbed hose coming out of the sump is coming from the pump that feeds the skimmer. The small black one going to the gallon jug is there incase the collection cup gets full and the grey pipe coming out of the skimmer is how the water returns back to the sump. Better now?:)
Oh yea trapped heat in the sump isn't good, I had a fan also blowing into it & the entire back was open.

Yeah, I use to have the back open, but this way is much neater. I guess there is a compromise...It's that darn pc over my sump that keeps things hot, but surprisingly this morning, when I felt the light after being on all night, it felt as if it had been off! The fan cooled it right down. :)
ok thank you dood, now i get it .
I like the picture of your tang and wrasse

No problem and thank you! That tang is really cool...I was suppose to get a royal gramma this week, but it didn't come (again!) Too bad the water is cold here or I'd go and cach one myself.

I plan to do a little test tomorrow with more flow. I have everything covered, but there is one spot I want the flow stronger, so I am going to throw back in the Seio's to see what I need to do. Chances are I will add another Tunze Monday. We shall see :)
man you must have some serious flow through there....
Yeah, kinda...700 gph return through the sea swirl 1600 gph out of 1 Tunze and 1850 gph out the other. I have two Seio's that put out 820 gph each, but I don't want to use them. I''l just get another Tunze probably and shoot for 6,000 + gph.:)