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To put in laymen terms LED produce much more intense light then MH or T5 and the corals need time to adjust
Yes and no. It really depends on the LED, just like MH's and T5's come in at different levels of power so does LEDS so you have to make sure your comparing apples to apples. The yes part is that the LED's tend to have most of their PAR in a narrow channel in regards to spectral Irradience, so you need to keep that in mind when first exposing your corals to it.

My only question is that I have never seen a PAR reading for MH or T5 fixtures to compare LED to.
Their are tons of them on a million bulbs/ballast combinations, do a google searh of lighting tests and sanjay. An example for ya is my 400 MH hqi 20Ks are getting around 600 to 700 at 6 inches of water depth.

BryNik definately not calling that ghetto, and agree that it is a way of doing it. The problem I have is all of the extra components. And the possibility of more failures.