Live Web Cam of 375 gallons of ocean treasure

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TrendNet 410W

the only thing I would like different on this camera is optical zoom instead of digital zoom, but wasnt about to spend $700-800.
Okay . . . it's all coming in for me now and I'm WAY impressed. Any chance you'd run a thread dedicated to the technology backing this experiment. Your troubles and successes can only help those that follow in your footsteps as I'm certain this is going to have plenty of applications far beyond reefing. Truth is I want, desperately, to copy you, but really haven't a clue where to begin. Take a look at my website (spelled wrong I know), and you'll see I have something worth offering, but I just don't know where to start. Thanks again for sharing!

WebCam temporarily down for maintenance

I'm having IP issues and need to troubleshoot.

Hopefully to have working by end of week.

WebCam back ONLINE !!!

We are back in business.

Port Forwarding rule vanished and need to add a new rule.

I love the brilliant red wrasse. What's its name? And how reef safe are Pyramids w/SPS and clam? I don't think a pink tail will cohabitate w/ my bluejaw.

the red wrasse is called a carpetner fairy wrasse, it is full size at 3-4 inches. I had 4 to start out with and down to 1. the one in the tank is the male and had gorgeous red, purple, and alittle green when it flashed for the female.

The pyramid butterfly eat plankton so they are reef safe and dont bother corals or clams.

Now as far as clams go, it should be interesting as next week I plan on adding a blueface and majestic angel to the main display. they have been in QT for 5 wks.

For all that have watched or are continously watching, Thank you.
How big on the angels? Let me know how they do. I've wanted to try but not wanting to lose a 5yr old 6x8 ultra blue crocea.
Lights are off early tonight as I added two new fish: BlueFace and Majestic angels..The kole tang was being rough with the majestic so I turned lights off for the night.

I am hoping all is well tomorrow morning.
FYI..I added a Passer angelfish a couple weeks ago and a pair of flame angels from WPH

Enjoy !!!
Lights r on from 11a-8p PST
cam is not on plumbing; I have pics on my Flickr account I can send u
165 to 450 is my progress and pics getting ready for sheetroch and then plumbing starts will look at cam in a little bit

No. I believe the first thing I need to to use a toothbrush and clean the salt creep off them. will let you know how it goes.

You are correct...I will be posting pics once the dust settles....

I am planning on adding more 60-80 lbs of new "live" sand tomorrow...I really like it..makes the tank look bigger and you can see the depth of the tank now....before no one could see that my tank is actually 3ft wide (front to back), but now they can..