Marine Life in the Bahamas

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LOL...If I know Gabby, that card is already MAX'd out:p

On a serious note again though, hopefully soon something will work out. I have ways I could get corals and I know I wouldn't get caught, but it isn't right so I'm not going those routes. I've been giving it a lot of thought (Andrew has spoken about this a few times) and I may have to give the ministry of fisheries a call and see if I can obtain a small permit for maybe just a few frags to get me going and maybe sign something saying that once (if ever) I didn't want the corals or tank inhabitants anymore, that I will hand them all over for their disposal so they wouldn't have to worry about me tossing them in the water (which I'd never do, but I can't expect them to trust me on that because they don't know me). It's worth a shot because all they can say is no, but atleast I would have tried. If not, then I guess I'll just have to go back to "Plan B" and just spend my time out on the reef looking for something that has fallen off to harvest. I'll see how it goes...I'm not going to break any laws for corals so everyone could get that crap out of their minds right now:p It may come to a point where I will just have to come to reality and accept the fact that it will never happen and enjoy a tank full of rock and fish. I've enjoyed it before (and do now) so it's no problem for things to remain the same:)
could you aquaculture your own rock. stick some out there somewhere and im sure in time it will be full of life.
could you aquaculture your own rock. stick some out there somewhere and im sure in time it will be full of life.

Yeah...I'm sure eventually something will work someway without anyone getting in trouble. We'll see how it goes:)
what was that number gaby.....

in that case you'd have to get me legal in the U.S. and then get me the card :lol: .
I can imagine krish breakign pieces and saying ...... ohh that was broken before :lol: :lol: .
really??? sheesh i thought it'd take more than that at least for me it would .............i'm just kidding dood !!!

ROFL...I never said that I would do it, I said it would lead a person into doing it (peer pressure). Same goes for anything like drinking, smoking etc. which I never gave into either;) Besides, I'm not going to start breaking any laws to please anyone here, so who doesn't like it, can turn their heads and look the other way!
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ROFL...I never said that I would do it, I said it would lead a person into doing it (peer pressure). Same goes for anything like drinking, smoking etc. which I never gave into either Besides, I'm not going to start breaking any laws to please anyone here, so who doesn't like it, can turn their heads and look the other way!

hey in the drinking you got drunk when Christina got pregnant.... remember :lol: :lol: .
Smoking..... yuck good thing you're not a smoker dood, that'd be killing yourself slowly ;) .
You should set in the baby's bedroom and nemo toy fish aquarium..... you just have to pump it if you wanna see bubbles but other than that i think it comes with a drawing of corals behind, nemo, marlin and a money chest :lol: :p.
hey in the drinking you got drunk when Christina got pregnant.... remember

LOL...Well, that was my fault there. I said I would down 1 cup of whatever my wife's cousin wanted to mix for me if ever we found out she was pregnant. She got pregnant, and I had to live up to my word. :oops: First and last cup I ever and will ever have! It messed me up bigtime and they said they mixed it weak! :shock: I almost threw up from how bad it tasted! :p

As for baby's room. No fish stuff:) My tank is enough...I think:D
LOL...Well, that was my fault there. I said I would down 1 cup of whatever my wife's cousin wanted to mix for me if ever we found out she was pregnant. She got pregnant, and I had to live up to my word. First and last cup I ever and will ever have! It messed me up bigtime and they said they mixed it weak! I almost threw up from how bad it tasted!

don't remind me please :lol: :lol: .

As for baby's room. No fish stuff My tank is enough...I think

not even a beta? or a goldfish? you know they keep good company at night :D :p.
I don't need to request...I run the show;) I will be off for 3 weeks the day she has the baby so, It's all taken care of:)
3 weeks !! awesome !!! i guess your post count we'll go to the sky :lol: :lol:... i think you'll break it to the 20 000 by that time :lol: .
spongebob lover said:
3 weeks !! awesome !!! i guess your post count we'll go to the sky :lol: :lol:... i think you'll break it to the 20 000 by that time :lol: .

Thats the pot callin the kettle black! :lol:
Close to 7,000 are we?
Just ribbin yah Gabbs. :D