Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

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BTW, Don wants to upgrade his anything laying around in the 125 - 180 g RR? he has been looking into glass but nothing has come up yet. I don't see your stuff listed in ANW's list (at least the last one I got). Maybe I missed it. What size were those corners? Gone already?

I have a 60 x 18 x 24, 3/4" material, center blue overflow, 112 gal tank sitting here and one corner pentagon 24 x 34 x 24, 54 gal, black walls and overflow. Everything else is spoken for. If you or he want some quotes, just PM me or swing by the shop when you need to escape the store again :lol:
Yeah, good to see you yesterday. That naso is doing well. It took him a little while to figure out the feeding thing once he was in the tank, but I think he will catch on soon enough. Pretty fish...

You got to come by and see that tank I got from you. Anyway, I guess Don will see your note and respond. I have a 92.5g sitting here as well, but it is a semi-loaner. My buddy moved to Hat Island and diodn't take it with him. No holes in it either, but I think that may be too small for Don.
Well everyone, my third shipment to DIBS left today containing just 150 DIBS Turbo sp. and some odds & ends...

The size of my snails has improved, but I am not getting any adult sized snails yet. It seems strange but breeding in my system is crazy but growth is not. Even when I move snails to the "grow-out" tank, they grow at a very slow rate. I do now have enough algal growth to support them, but the cost has been an increased mortality rate. Also, a couple adult DIBS Turbo sp. that I was saving for Brian in the grow-out tank have perished.

My display system is having water quality issues as well, and it seems to have had an impact on my Mexican turbos. I had lost only one in over a year's time, and recently lost a dozen, all in a week's time. Could just be coincidental due to age, but the number of deaths has me suspicious. My corals look fine except for the montiporas, which are STNing. Other corals are growing well. Anyway, not much impact on my DIBS breeding except that it may be affecting growth rates.
I modded your nano 6025. This thing puts out a lot more flow and always spin the right way now :) I must have unplugged and plugged it back in about fifty times and it spins right every single time. I'll bring it with me on Saturday unless you want to pick it up before then. Let me know.

Totally cool Don! I'll have to wait as I am jammed up right now. Steve Weast is coming to visit and I have to clean my glass, wash the tank room floor, frag some corals, clean the basement, clean the house, mow the lawn, pull the weeds, fill in the ditch in my back yard, toss out the toilet in the front yard, ...
Totally cool Don! I'll have to wait as I am jammed up right now. Steve Weast is coming to visit and I have to clean my glass, wash the tank room floor, frag some corals, clean the basement, clean the house, mow the lawn, pull the weeds, fill in the ditch in my back yard, toss out the toilet in the front yard, ...

So.... you have a fairly easy week ahead of you then, huh? :cool: :rolleyes: :D
And Sherman, that workshop isn't getting cleaned up any time soon. :( I need a crew of 5 to maintain my friggin house!
Just had a nice visit with Steve Weast. He gave me the thumbs up on my tank and we tested phosphate twice and came up with zero both times. Alk was a little high at about 12 dKh so I need to dial back my Ca reactor.

He felt that other than the montipora, everything else looked really good and hypothesized that it could even be some disease that affects that particular coral. I gave him some frags and a decent sized colony, as well as my last purple polyped encrusting monti, in the hopes that it will do better in his system until I can figure out what the problem is in mine.

His suggestion was just to bring the alk down a bit and lay off the montis for a while. I have been in a funk for a while about my tank but the visit has bouyed my spirits.

Picked up a 200g fiberglass storage tank locally for $150 and I am going to build that into my water system to hold RO/DI.

Also got back my Tunze 6025 from Don Nguyen today and it looks really cool. I can't wait to try it out! Thanks Don...and I need to get your MJ mod back to you too.
Don't worry about the MJ mod Jonathan. I don't really need it right now. I have more than enough flow going on in my 55g with 2 MJ1200 mods going.

So you picked up that storage tank from that guy eh? Nice. Now I know where to go for water when I'm in a jam. :lol:
Yeah, it will be a while before I get it hooked up since I need to redo my tank room to get it in there, but you are ALWAYS welcome to get water. I usually have about 80+g of RO/DI on hand. I just want to have a higher capacity to feed my top-off and SW mixing tank.

I really appreciate your generosity with the pumps. My brain is a little blown out tonight so I won't test the Tunze until tomorrow. I still can't believe you used a fishing line for roatation correction. Very cool idea. :D
.... I still can't believe you used a fishing line for roatation correction. Very cool idea. :D

Yeah I wanted to find a better, quieter way to correct the prop rotation and at the same time not impede on the flow. Let me know how it works for ya.
Well, I installed the Tunze 6025 that Don Nguyen modded for me and it is very sweet. I had to glue the bracket to the base though because the tabs are too weak. The flow is superb and he used fishing line to get the prop to start in the right direction. It works really well and starts right up in the correct direction every time. He also cut ports into the nozzle allowing considerably more flow.

You rock Don! :)
Glad the mod worked out for you jonathan.

BTW... Remember that Japanese tank I was telling you about before with the schooling fish? Here are some photos of it.







Beautiful isn't it. :)