Sorry I haven't been posting pics but I have just been too busy.
Strange thing happened to a Maiden's hair I got from Eric. It has been alive and well in my fuge and in my snail grow-out for months. A couple days suddenly dropped dead. It turned totally white overnight. I have no idea what happened. I left it in the tank for a day to see what would happen, but it just started to rot. So I pulled it out yesterday and gave it a FW spray down to remove the dead plant. What I found was there were still a couple small patches left alive, so I put it back into the grow-out tank.
Today I checked it out and guess what? There are some really cool polyps on it...they were underneath the maiden's hair the whole time. Interesting colors too. They have purple centers, green rings, and brown tentacles. And that's under daylight lighting.
Today I did a complete cleanout of my sumps with a shop vac and towel. Nice water change. Alk tested out at 9.6 dKh so I am continuing to move toward my goal 9.0.
Corals look good, and the pieces of orance cap that I have left all seem to be doing fine, so maybe I will end up with several this next time around. I mourn the loss of the purple polyp monti still and have a green encrusting that is still in regression.
All other corals are looking good.
I accidentally broke off a tip of the blue cali tort while cleaning the glass today. I have had good luck just popping tips into holes so that's what I did. As I lay over the top of the tank, it amazes me how many little coral "children" there are growing out of various crevaces. Much of that has to do with the maroon biting off pieces and spitting them all over the tank, but i think it will add to a more natural looking reef later on.
The chromis in QT is still alive, which I am very surprised about. I haven't been able to get it to eat, and it still has a fairly large wound, but hey, maybe it will make it!