Mikey's New Toy

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Hey Mike - you should stop by tonight if you can. Brandon is going to be coming over around 6:00-7:00. Plus this money is burning a hole in my pocket.
Couple new corals:

Purple Haze Montipora nodosa species

Rainbow Montipora Danae species

Tricolors, blue milli, blue stag, etc

Group of Monti confusa

ORA tort, Cali tort, plus rose, etc
Very cool corals Mike! I like that P haze. and rainbow. Is that a torch in the last pic on the bottom?
Very cool corals Mike! I like that P haze. and rainbow. Is that a torch in the last pic on the bottom?
Yep my new torch too:)

please dont' tell me that's the one you got at Barrier Reef??? if it is....i'm gonna shoot myself!! :lol: :lol: .... jesus !!!:doubt:
Yes, that is the mate to your frag. Recall the movie, Twins? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes, that is the mate to your frag. Recall the movie, Twins?

LOL!!! chheeeese yours looks way way way better :) .
i mean mine has the cute little red polyps and but the base (whatever it's called :p) it's more of a blue :p....or at least from where i see it :lol:, but most of it is still brown :( .
Hey Mike - It was nice seeing you again and as always, your tank looks impressive. I would say that it is time to post some updated pics because it has changed so much, but then agian you could post new pics every week and it would look different! :lol:
WHAT, Mike had some people over and didn't tell anyone but you steven. OK I see. Someone may need a FAV sometime soon and I think my hearing is going out yep its gone. Mike I hope all your stuff aagja84hbxklfhoc3hriwyiqwjwjhu. Grows like mad. Just JK. Next time you have a party let us know.
Mikes, lets say saterday will all just show up. Mikes OK with that. Thats the kinda guy he is. The prob is with his wife and us just showing up without letting her know.
PS she runs the house hold.
OK Boys, play nice!
Hey Gabby, I fragged the top off of the rainbow a couple weeks ago. The "hole" left on the plug has almost grown back in, and the top part is beginning to encrust onto it's new plug! Hope it grows at a faster rate than it's price falls:D
The trick is to bring gifts for Mike!

Hey Tracy - I have a piece of acrylic that I will sell ya for real CHEAP!;)
OK Boys, play nice!
Hey Gabby, I fragged the top off of the rainbow a couple weeks ago. The "hole" left on the plug has almost grown back in, and the top part is beginning to encrust onto it's new plug! Hope it grows at a faster rate than it's price falls

awesome dood :D.
it seems like my top doesn't want to color up:rolleyes: :p....it's still sort of brownish :doubt:, it has grown all around the plug thingy though and you can see red polyps, i just started to run some Elos cabon and see if that would do the trick :D..... i want to see green polyps darn it :p:lol:
Mike said that he already gave you "the" briefcase of cash!(Now I know why Mike has been so generous)
MAN MIKE. You came a long way from softy/lps to sps pal. Great job. I see you lay low then POW,BAM,WAM. You pop up with fantastic stuff. I have to keep a eye on you.