Monthly Get togethers!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Karen and I are still excited to host the August North Sound Reefers BBQ, and are surveying for which weekend day and time works best for the group. Feedback? As always, the South end Rouge Reefers are also welcome. OK, OK, proably shouldn't exclude that other small spin-off group, PSAS?
Karen and I are still excited to host the August North Sound Reefers BBQ, and are surveying for which weekend day and time works best for the group. Feedback? As always, the South end Rouge Reefers are also welcome. OK, OK, proably shouldn't exclude that other small spin-off group, PSAS?

Any weekend except the 20th-21st works for me
I hope you are doing better Mike!
I feel certain you will set the schedule around me, so the 27th is a no go date for me, all else should work :)

- The "good" Todd
Still in recovery. Feeling perfect and finished with all meds, but get winded walking up one flight of stairs.
Still hoping to have a BBQ here, will keep all informed.
"OK :bump" to the top so we can get this all planned out. Looks like the 20th or 27th will work for most but not all so maybe what works out best for our hosts Mike & Karen should be the deciding factor to date & time

Cheers/Mahalo, Todd
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May not be such a bad idea, all show up/get together at Mike & Karens mid-morning carpool down en mass to BRA then back for a real BBQ North Sound Reefers ~ Get Together ~ . If any livestock is purchased it could be held in Mikey's sump til trip home.... Hmmmm... just a thought.... whatcha think ???

Cheers, Todd
I was kind of thinking the same thing. I'm game for that.
I will drive too. The back seat in my car doesn't have much leg room but anyone is welcome to ride along.
The idea sounds great, The trip to BR gets the best stuff before it is gone. Then afterwords and having worked up an appetite, over for a leisurely and fun BBQ. All livestock can be kept warm and safe in my sumps. If most agree on the plan, will start a fresh thread so to prevent the invite not getting lost.
May not be such a bad idea, all show up/get together at Mike & Karen's mid-morning carpool down en mass to BRA then back for a real BBQ North Sound Reefers ~ Get Together ~ . If any livestock is purchased it could be held in Mikey's sump til trip home.... Hmmmm... just a thought.... whatcha think ???

Cheers, Todd
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OK, its a plan now set in stone. Now Mike, what all do we need/would Karen like for us to bring in appreciation of opening up your home to a bunch of REEFERS

Cheers/Mahalo, Todd
Aloha oukou. Awesome to see that I could throw a helping idea out there. :lol: I didn't think as many peeps would be up for that much fun in one day. Rainydave, I think I can take on that much Wii bowling, no worries there. Who else is game? :rofl:

Mahalo nui loa,