Looking forward to seeing everything up and running by Monday!!!. Good luck and I hope you don't run into any surprises!
Thanks! I have this nagging suspicion something is going to hold us up but... well now I just jinx'd myself
We used a Fantech CVS300A, I'm not sure if it is going to be enough but its just going to take some time to figure it out. It will also be a while before we get a TV in that room but I don't think it will be a problem. I've had my 150g in the family room for over a year and the only problem comes from the stink when I empty the protein skimmerMr gone great work so far. I've been working on a similar build as well just not as high end of equipment. My question is what our u doing for ventilation? I saw u mention that u wanted to put a TV in the room but that could lead to issues if There isn't proper ventilation. Looking forward to your response.
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Also keep in mind the plan is to eventually build cabinetry all around the tank and the fan vents to the exterior of the house. I am mounting all of the lighting ballasts on the other side of the wall to help keep them cooler and to make the area above the aquarium less cluttered.
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