My 20 Gallon Long......

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I definitely want a sump setup someday, but at the moment the complexity of it intimidates me. Those with the setup though are like... bah it's soooo simple! hehe
sure thing! It's ghetto but it works lol.

Intake shot.

exhaust shot.

i dont get how that works :(
Well the hang on back filter draws water from the display and puts it into the refuge and a siphon overflow tube puts the water back from the fuge into the display. Basically the two tanks are level with each other so with the U-Tube in there the two tanks must stay same water level. Very simple and easy to setup :)

Two bodies of water connected together through a siphon will equal each other out so that they are the same level. If i add water to one of the tanks it quickly drains into the other through the U-tube until the two tanks are equal. Hope that helps! I still have this setup but I've changed the hang on back filter to a skilter so it puts 250gph into the fuge instead of the 80 or so gph that the little black one did. I've also moved the siphon U-Tube to the opposite side of the tank from the hob filter.
Hasn't lost siphon on it's own in over 8 months. The ends of the tubes go very deep in each tank i can change about 9 gallons of water without a break in siphon which is like 30% of my total water volume of the system.

The hob filter's intake tube is murdered and rigged with clear vinyl tubing so that it draws the water from the other tank and puts it into fuge. You can see what i mean by the first picture you quoted.

Every few months i take the tube out and clean it since it's clear and gets an algae buildup which slows down flow. Long as you don't have a ton of micro bubbles in your system the siphon should be pretty stable.
oh neat idea :D
i might be helping my cousin make a 20g saltawter soon, just trying to ge some ideas :D
first he gotta get on his feat...... hes 18 making payments on a car, and just spent $200 on a freshwater 55g setup
Just ordered the following bulbs from reefgeek:

1 GE0001 24W 6500K Daylight T5 HO Fluorescent General Electric $14.95
1 ATI1001 24W 12000K Aquablue Special T5 HO Fluorescent ATI $19.95
2 ATI1009 24W Blue Plus T5 HO Fluorescent ATI $37.90
Subtotal: $72.80
Sales Tax: $0.00
Ground Shipping: $8.95
TOTAL $81.75

Should give me a par of 324.5 vs the 262 i have with my Current bulbs for a difference of plus 62.5 par. can't wait.
Sweet :)

I looked through most of the thread, nice SPS :)

You need some more FTS that include the light and everything haha
Well i had a nice rude awakening last night. I woke to the sounds of Koralias chopping up air. Apparently one of the new turbos i got last week had plugged up the end of my U-tube that goes from fuge to display and my fuge was flooding. I think i only lost 2-3 gallons at most but needless to say that snail is in prison now in a separate container. I knew of the troubles with turbos but i remember having one has a kid and i really liked them so thought I'd give them a try again. What everyone says about them being bulldozers is totally true too I've been finding frags tipped over almost every morning.

This whole incident just pushed me one step closer to getting my other tank drilled and having a sump. I definitely don't want to have to deal with something like this again, i can't imagine how much water would have drained had i not been home. And thank god for the Koralias being so horribly loud when they start sucking in air. I only wished i had had some fresh mix ready to top off the tank with, now it's sitting about an inch below the black rim and splashing a bit, while i make fresh mix and let it aerate.

Good times good times.
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