My 24gal "Pod"

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Hey man, I leave for a while and you have all kinds of drama going on. What gives? It looks ok now but it is too bad all that had to happen. Good luck and I will try and keep better connected around here.
LOL!!! Thanks Tim! Yeah, drama with little tank:p Everything seems fine now though so I'm cool...Just need some fish:)
I'll post some pics when the fish settle, but I went and caught (2) beau gregory's (sp) about the size of your finger nail as well as about (4) sargeant majors (sp) about the same size and they are in my tank as well as the clown is back. :)
Well, here are my new fish. It was actually 5 sargeant majors and 2 beau gregory's. You may have to look really good in the pics to see some of them. The clown may have to come out because he looks totally out of place(LOL)
no detritus buildup!!!! keeps the water much cleaner!!.Krish, did you catch those Sergeant damsels???
What are the benefits of not having sand in your tank?

Like Ron mentioned, keeps waste to a minimum. With sand in the tank, you are limited on flow options because if the flow is too strong, it can stir up the sand a lot and create a sand storm. Also, detritus can get lost in a sand bed as well and you'd need to vaccum it thoroughly to get rid of it all. When using a bare bottom tank, you can use high flow to keep all the waste and detritus in suspension to be used up by the corals, skimmed off or removed by mechanical filtration. In all honesty, I've never had a nitrate free tank until I went bare bottom:)

Krish, did you catch those Sergeant damsels???

Yup!! Could have gotten more as well, but didn't want to overdo it just yet. I caught the 2 beau gregory's as well and all came out of tidepools. We also caught 4 coral bandit shrimps, but Andrew put them in his tank:)
i caught about 8-10 of those Sergeants one day...all we had was a bag with a small hole in it.. we had to freakin speed home.. i lived like 10 min from the spot i like to snorkel at....2-3 of them died, and the rest lived for a good while.. i finally released them several months later...just wait till the water warms up again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL! They love to school and are hardy! They will eat out of your hands as well! As much as I hate to, I'm probably going to take the clown out and keep just native species in my tank. All of my corals are from here so why not make everything the same. I will try and find some other types of fish to add in and then I'm limit the number of each fish I will keep. So maybe 2 sargeant's 1 beau gregory etc. That way I can get a bit of everything and when they get too big, I could just toss them back and get small ones again:D
I gotta ask, and probably this is not the best place for it, but here goes. :D Ronj, why would you release the fish back into the ocean after having them in a closed system at home? You do know that you can introduce non-indigenous pathogens in the coastal waters by doing this? Not trying to pick at you in any way , but I do know that you're a concerned hobbyist and thought that it would be good to make it clear that no fish that has been in a tank at home should be released to the wild.

;) Happy reefing.

Oh, BTW, Krish the tank looks real good. Now get that clown out of there !!!
LOL!!! Thanks Jorge. Yeah, he's going in another tank. I've had him for over a year now so it will suck a bit, but I think a native tank will be best:)
:confused: i never thought about that before, but i got it from the ocean..i didn't have any liverock or anything in the tank, just a biowheel...i never put anything else into the tank, so i don't think it hurt anything.. everything in the tank was from the Gulf!:confused:
he uses a bucket of chicken and traps them in the bucket...i know he has done this before, not sure if he does it all the time
Krish, how do you catch your fish?

For these ones I just got, I just used a net like you would in a fish tank and scooped them out of tidepools. I'd usually chase them into a hole and cover the entrance and poke around a bit with the back of my other net to chase them out.:)

[he uses a bucket of chicken and traps them in the bucket...i know he has done this before, not sure if he does it all the time

LOL!!! That was how I caught the wrasses that time, but you could just stir some sand and they will chase it thinking it's food:p

This must be a record for haven't down sized in how long?

Just kidding buddy.

Thos look like cool fish! I really like your native tank Idea! You do an amazing job man.
So are there any COOL native fish? I totally agree, a native tank ROCKS, but hopefully you have the option of one awesome showfish, to stand out as a subject in the tank. Something like a mystery wrasse would be cool! Or some other super-flashy fish.