My 24gal "Pod"

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If you do decide to upgrade, the 24 will make an excellent QT for your corals!

Definately...We'll see how it all goes. I'll keep everyone posted. If I do custom build something, it will be insane!:D
So...After much thought, I've decided to let the tank ride and keep it up and running. I have a few little things I'll need to sort out with it, but no biggie. :cool:
Krish, normally I wouldn't advise this... but... maybe you're the right kind of person. Have you considered saying "Yes" to drugs? Is medicinal marijuana legal down there? :) Does anyone else have any ideas about anything else that would help Krish "chill out" a little? :p

Krish... it's all because we love you, I promise. LOL
Krish I felt the same way after having 8 tanks at my last house. After selling he last one I picked up this 120 Iam messing with now. I fond that if you take a prolonged look at what your doing it makes much more satisfying in the end. I dont spend much time on the tank so when its done I will appreciate it that much more.

I guess what iam saying is.... Make the next one a long project tank. Its out of character for you but may prove to be ideal. Get the size you want and build it slowly, (bad word for Krish) Just take your time and get the monster tank going like build something elese for it but no need to finish all in one day. Obcession can be a term used...lmao
Krish, normally I wouldn't advise this... but... maybe you're the right kind of person. Have you considered saying "Yes" to drugs? Is medicinal marijuana legal down there? Does anyone else have any ideas about anything else that would help Krish "chill out" a little?

Krish... it's all because we love you, I promise. LOL

Krish I felt the same way after having 8 tanks at my last house. After selling he last one I picked up this 120 Iam messing with now. I fond that if you take a prolonged look at what your doing it makes much more satisfying in the end. I dont spend much time on the tank so when its done I will appreciate it that much more.

I guess what iam saying is.... Make the next one a long project tank. Its out of character for you but may prove to be ideal. Get the size you want and build it slowly, (bad word for Krish) Just take your time and get the monster tank going like build something elese for it but no need to finish all in one day. Obcession can be a term used...lmao

Thanks for the replies...:) Here it is in a nut shell so everyone can understand. My 75gal was the ideal tank. Before taking it down, I had everything the way I wanted it. It was a long process of learning and trial and error, but I got it. I had finally figured it all out with a tank the size I loved. I even swapped from the 90gal to get the dimensions I wanted. All it needed was corals. I had expanded the sump, gotten my first set of halides, had the chiller, great flow, water was top notch and the size was perfect. I had to take that down because we needed the space because of the little one on the way so I downgraded to a tank that took up less space and that was pretty cool (38gal). The problem with that tank though was for one, it couldn't compare to what I just had, but even more so, it consumed more electricity than anything we've ever had (our bill jumped over $400) because of a chiller than ran non-stop from the pumps and so forth. So I said I'd take it a step further and make it real simple because at this point I was really frustrated, and just get an all in one which wouldn't consume as much electricity and everyone would be happy:rolleyes: . Since then, I've been trying to make this tank work to really like it, I even chopped it up, but to be honest, I don't really like it that much. Too limited and just not what I want. It's not that I can't be satisfied with a tank because I was (75gal) and I can be, but the problem is the size I want won't work in this place right now since the new addition. I've had to compromise time and time again and I'm real tired of it so I thought about getting out altogether until I can get a tank the size I wanted again and stop wasting my time with building something I knew I don't really want pretending it was cool. Money isn't the issue either, but anyways after much thought I said I'd just let it be...Emily likes looking at the fish and it takes literally 10 minutes to do a water change once a week and so forth so I said I'd leave it up.

I don't want anyone to take what I just said the wrong way because I honestly don't mind people saying I like to mess with things alot and can't be satisfied or I have issues etc, because it's cool :cool:. I'll admit, I do like to mess with things alot to perfect them (ocd), but like I mentioned, I've been trying to perfect some things I never "really" wanted, but compromised. We'll see what happens though...Maybe taking a break from the hobby is what I need.
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krish my man if you take a break who will i email and ask all of these crazy questions i ask :) Keep the little tank running and when you get the tank you want you will have corals and fish and everything to get the new and improved tank started.
krish my man if you take a break who will i email and ask all of these crazy questions i ask Keep the little tank running and when you get the tank you want you will have corals and fish and everything to get the new and improved tank started.

LOL! If I took down the tank to take a break it will just be from the tank and not RF. I'd still be here just as much;) As for the tank, I will let it stay up and still add in the corals etc when the water warms up enough for me to get back in and where the other tank is concerned...I'll see how that goes. Space is all I really need right now to upgrade, but most importantly I rather Emily have it so I'll wait:)
Took a few pics tonight so everyone can see how the tank is doing. I've been having clody water issues every 2 days after a water change and figured out the problem so I'm happy. I'm also thinking on adding a sump to this fellow as well so we'll see:)

BTW...Image shack sucks so I had to add attachments:doubt:
Got imageshack to work again...Here's a full tank shot. That shot of the skimmer in the last post is about 24hrs after cleaning it:)

krish my man if you take a break who will i email and ask all of these crazy questions i ask

they're called the doodlebops :lol: :lol: :D ...... j/k.

your tank is super clean dood :) ... i wish mine was like that :rolleyes: .
i'm jelous on the foaming :D .... hmm i'm thinking that may be we should ask Jiddy to send you some of his fishtank background :lol: :p .
ROFL!! My tanks are always superclean Gabbs because I always keep a very small bioload and do regular maintenance like clockwork.:D My biggest issue lately was cloudy water 2 days after water changes, but I sorted it out. I made some really quick batches lately and never let the salt fully adjust (ph wise) and dissolve before putting it in. Also, some of my make up water I kept closed up and not aerated etc. Stupid things not thinking with so much going on, but things are looking good so it seems:)
LOL!!! If that were the case, I'd never have to change:D

BTW...Depending on if I go ahead with the sump or not (if not) then I'm probably going to take the plunge and get into the cold water to get some stock in there (corals fish etc). The damsels will all go, but I'm just holding on to them now to keep the rock alive. I want prettier calmer fish in there. If I do the sump, then I'll get corals afterwards:)
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Keep the nano, man! You can always add a second tank when you figure out how you want it. Besides, they are so easy to take care of, it's kind of nice for a change.:)
Lookin good Krish. If you do go with a sump which methods of feeding the sump can you go with? Not sure if you would just go with a hang on overflow, or drill the bottom of the tank. I was curious about the last approach as I don't know if those have tempered glass, or if you're able to drill.
Thanks man! As for the sump, with adding in that new back wall, if I wanted, I could hang a cpr overflow on the back and will work fine as there would be tons of space. Or...I was thinking on building my own overflow box to hang on the back of the tank, and just use a U tube to go from the box to the back compartment of the tank and that would work as well. I'd just prime it like you would the overflows that use the U siphon tube:)
Very nice Krish, I like your daredevil aquascaping with the rock on the right. I've got a few of those in my 125, very surprised my tangs havent knocked em down hehe.