My 24gal "Pod"

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LOL!! These fish have trouble lifting flakes in their mouth so I'm not too worried:lol: I've always been a stacker though:D
im telling you man just put a wet suit on and get it there and pick pick pick and get home...then you will have a tank full of stuff!!!!!
im telling you man just put a wet suit on and get it there and pick pick pick and get home...then you will have a tank full of stuff!!!!!

yeah or a jail full of dried corals with Christina yelling at him and Emily throwing her bottle :lol:........j/k...i hope :p.
Tank is still kicking...Had another weird cloudy issue which I'm thinking has to be because of the salt so I'm going to either buy a new batch tomorrow or hold off on my weekly water changes an extra week and see what happens next week. Here she is all cleared up. All parameters are perfect:)

Looking good krish now take a few pain pills for the back and get in that water and grab grab grab your zoa's need some friends another thing how do you get your pics so big on here???
LOL! Thanks Brady!:D As for the pics, I use the same thing you use...Imageshack. Before you upload any pics, you can selet the size to be uploaded right under the "browse tab" and then just click the box next to it that says "resize image". I use 15 inch monitor (use to use 17 but they were too big:p) and when I post my pics, I select "hotlinks to forums 1" as the link that I copy and paste here:)
Krish, on the cloudy water... Have you tested calcium and alkalinity before a water change? How about in the new salt water, before you add it? Which salt are you using? I wonder if you're getting some precipitation, or possibly a large influx of buffer (alkalinity).
Hey Jason...I haven't tested my make up water, but I am using ro/di water and IO which I did have to throw away almost 100 gals worth of it. The problem is that there aren't very many people into the saltwater hobby here and so you have salt sitting on the shelves forever. One of the 50gal bags was like rock when I got it. Usually I buy my salt from Premium Aquatics, but the last few times I just got it here which is what worries me. I will test my make up water next time, but I will let the tank ride a week to see what happens:)