My 24gal "Pod"

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Thanks! I could probably run that fan 24/7 and use a heater to control the temp :lol: I'll let you guys know later what it looks like when I get home. I get off early today :)
Maybe a fan with a heat sensor on it would be something to look at.
Like the one IceCap makes. The warmer it gets the more fan power.
Maybe a fan with a heat sensor on it would be something to look at.
Like the one IceCap makes. The warmer it gets the more fan power.

I thought of that as well Martin. If what I'm trying now doesn't work, that will me the next step, but I think I've got it sorted out...Hopefully.:)

I came home and the temp was 78.5F. When I came home earlier after having the other fan on it was 78.8F at about 11:00am and now it is 3:30pm. The lights have been on for 1.5 hours and still sitting nicely. I just bought a timer as well and I can adjust it every 15 minutes so here's how it is setup for starters

Fan on at 1:30 pm (30 mins before lights come on)
Fan off at 10:00 pm (1 hour after lights go off)
Fan back on at 2:00 am
Fan off at 4am
Fan on at 8 am
Fan off at 10:30 am
Fan on at 1:30pm (30 mins before lights come on)

I'll let you guys know how that works:)

heat problems - blah.....

mine never drops below 78.5 and nevers goes above 79.5

:p You will need a heater in a 2 months:p
i already have a heater and that is why it doesn't drop below 78.5. at night our house gets down to about 60 degrees as i have the heat shut off for now.
no matter what some believe i am somewhat frugal. :) so buying a chiller/heater combo didn't make sense. i had a 100w heater from my QT that I used.
i am somewhat frugal

Well, I'm fraggle...From Fraggle rock!:D (LOL) I just checked the temp again another 3 hours later and it is still sitting at 78.5F! Looks like I may have a winner:)
Here are some pics of how my fan is mounted. I just need to stain and seal that piece of wood I added to the back of my stand:)
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And here's my skimmer for Matt. Matt, after taking this pic, I uploaded them to my computer and then went and ate. After that, I went back and lifted the black cap off of the collection cup and the foam was as high as the collection cup begins so basically, it was the distance of the collection cup high in that round tube/neck. Another 2-3 inches and foam should possibly spill over:)
so is your cup pushed down all the way or how high is it mounted? i had some foam earlier then it disappeared.
I pushed it all the way down as far as it can go. I figured wet skimmate was better than none(LOL). I'm just trying to get the ball rolling and then adjust from ther. I'll check and see if it is still in the neck or dropped back off:)
LOL! I have more stuff to skim than you do right now so I should be a bit a head of the game, but atleast it looks like it is getting somewhere for both of us. :)
Well, it past the test. I re-adjusted the timer last night a bit before going to bed because the fan didn't need to run as long during each cycle and could stay off bit longer and the temp so far stays between 77.7 Being the lowest and 78.8 being the highest. I will see if the new setting will keep the temp up some and not drop in the 77's, but it looks like I have a winner:)

On the skimmer, Matt I had about a mouthful of foam in my collection cup this morning:)