Sorry there to hear that...I missed some posts, yeah, good luck w/ lowering the Alk....dilution & consumption will get 'er there.
I talked with Mike for probably about 3 hours total over about a month and a half before I said go for it. There is another thread on here by aquanut, she has the same lights, and started in November. A lady I know in Spokane switched to LEDs about a week before I did, and both of those people have beautiful tanks. I am pretty sure they will work out, it just takes time, and believe me, I got more time than I got If you are interested, talk to the folks at OBD and tell I sent ya,they are great people and know their stuff.
Perfect! :clap2:It came down from 11.2 to 10.3 and that was Tuesday. I have another water change tomorrow morning and OI will test again then
Told you, keep the faith Charlie, you'll win, I know you will, remember what DE Sr. once said, second place is the first loser, you'll win. I know you will, you are just flat out too damn stubborn not to
Love ya