My 300 Gallon sps tank

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Yeah............... it sucks, but luckily I know people I can get frags from if the worst happens ;). I will work thru it man, no biggie unless the whole thing crashes in which case, I will jump out of my basement window.
Looking good Charlie, I love the lights, I've been thinking about putting leds over my cichlid tanks or at least one of them to start. It does make everything in your tank stand out with sharper more defined edges. I need to stop by more often, had to go back almost 10 pages to get caught up.

OH, Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:):)
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Hey parrot, long time. They are a work in progress my friend. Ican see at least a 6 month eperiment goin on here, depending on a few things. I am in no hurry to see results, I just want to make them look good. As I said before, the alk thing has me more worried.
I think you'll be fine on the alk thingy, you've worked worse out before and got it right, I got faith in you;), I do remember back a few years ago at the other place you had been concerned with the par and their ability to grow sps, and yes I did go through the thread you linked back a few pages back, I guess these things have come a long way to have you playing with them. I just pulled up obd's website, those 120's aren't that expensive compared to the marineland double bright strips that I don't really feel warm and fuzzy over. And obd's got a helluva warranty to back it up.
I talked with Mike for probably about 3 hours total over about a month and a half before I said go for it. There is another thread on here by aquanut, she has the same lights, and started in November. A lady I know in Spokane switched to LEDs about a week before I did, and both of those people have beautiful tanks. I am pretty sure they will work out, it just takes time, and believe me, I got more time than I got If you are interested, talk to the folks at OBD and tell I sent ya,they are great people and know their stuff.
More than welcome to call me dumb.
But would it be because your corals are in "shock" of the new light and not absorbing as much minerals as they would if they were healthy?
Just came to mind thought I'd ask.
I talked with Mike for probably about 3 hours total over about a month and a half before I said go for it. There is another thread on here by aquanut, she has the same lights, and started in November. A lady I know in Spokane switched to LEDs about a week before I did, and both of those people have beautiful tanks. I am pretty sure they will work out, it just takes time, and believe me, I got more time than I got If you are interested, talk to the folks at OBD and tell I sent ya,they are great people and know their stuff.

I'll do that, and I'll keep a closer eye on your thread here.
Oh, remember that cute little puppy from a 2.5 years ago, I need to get you an updated picture of the horse, his Indian name is Dances for Food.

Be good Brother, catch up with you in a day or 2
Told you, keep the faith Charlie, you'll win, I know you will, remember what DE Sr. once said, second place is the first loser, you'll win. I know you will, you are just flat out too damn stubborn not to:):):):):)

Love ya
I ran a bunch of scheduled water tests this morning, and here is what they were:
Alk.-9.7.............. on the mend :).

These were after my 4th 30 gallon change since last Sunday, so onward thru the fog the Captain says. The alkalinity did not take as big of a drop since I started back with a real slow kalk drip on the 9th just to keep the Ph at a respectable level, I don't like seeing it below 8.0. I guess I am going to continue with the water changes, (every other day) throughout the next week, and see what becomes of things. I do believe the lights are going to remain at the levels they are at, although I do not think it is going to hurt if I drop them about an inch and a half, I am seeing no adverse effects from the lighting, such as coloration on the corals. Any input would be more than welcome ;).