My 300 Gallon sps tank

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AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the more noise the better, I like your way of thinking. :).

I also noticed when I clean the Iwaki that it sure runs quieter, which is directly opposed to my last statement, go
The alkalinity is back down to like 8.3 dkh now, I started another 4 gallons of kalkwasser yesterday, and I will test the alk. again when that gets done, needless to say I am dripping it slowly, but I wanted to get the Ph back up to around 8 at least :).
Same sh**, different day I believe Kevin. If you have enuf to frag, I would sure appreciate some back if you could. I could make it thru your area next week on the 8th, comin back from Spokane I do believe. If you could get pics of the two corals I could tell real easy.
Kevin......................... let's sit back and wait ok? I might be bringing back some stuff and I am gonna want it to get to my water as soon as it can get there. We will stay in touch, believe me ;).
OK Charlie- I have TONS of this; the one circled in red on the left is mine (normal pointy form) the one circled in black on the right id Brandon's. Sort of a blob growth form (very technical nomenclature there!). I can hack either or both, multiple samples. Just lemme know!
Wow! My tank is actually quite a bit cleaner than this picture! :yo:


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OK, that would work Kevin, I'll take one of each..........................LOL. Read back one post, you got some time ok, but I may just be tempted to take a cruise down the 10th or so, and bring the camera if that's ok. that way I can bring beer, which is an integral part of fragging ;). I figure a 12 pack ought to be good for those? Let me know if you are gonna be around that day Kevin, and tentatively, we can go from there.
While I am here.........................., I did some rearranging on the right side since it no longer has a large colony of birdsnest. The fox coral moved to the center and it is just diggin life. I upped the % to 30% on both the blues and the whites yesterday, so I am on the way as they say. And....................... I even took some pics today :).






Well there ya go, have fun :).
Whoa looking good.

What is that fire looking thing in the back right? Or is that a reflection

Oh and I like the very green sps in the last picture..... Bottom far right. You can see the reflection on it.

Sorrys about your birds :(
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That is where the birdnest used to be and there is no coralline on the back, at least I think that is what you are talking about. The green sps is my hydnphora, that is the only place it is safe form eating everything in the tank ;).

As far as the birdsnest goes, there is enuf of it spread between here and Spokane to make up for it, there is a method to this madness.

Thanx for the compliment, I may be adding a few frags here in the next couple of months :).
I lost my hystrix here a while back but saved three frags off of it. They are slow growers for me. I have lots of the other birdsnests though! ;) I got a new video camera for work and took a few videos (posting soon) so you might be able to see what I have. What's mine is yours.