my new 39gal

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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feels good to have my computer back and running, havent been on RF in months.... hi to all the people, and have a happy easter!

some pix from today
one of my RBTA's (yes it's an RBTA that doesnt BT) is getting toooooo big for my tank....:D just a little to big
:DThanks.. me tooooo :) or waiting to see the tank grow a little bit bigger... need to start telling my hubby that i love him more than last christmas :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
my new addition!!!

got a new addition....'Toxic Rose' Lotus it!!!well i know it looks better in person...:D:D:D
Nice tank! You sure take the concept of "baby steps" to heart 1g to 2.75g to 10g . . . many of us quickly make the leap to 100g plus, lol but I guess another 6 months or so . . .

Was nice meeting you the other night!
Nice tank! You sure take the concept of "baby steps" to heart 1g to 2.75g to 10g . . . many of us quickly make the leap to 100g plus, lol but I guess another 6 months or so . . .

Was nice meeting you the other night!

Thanks Kris, Same here, nice meeting some other people out there that do the same things :) i can actually now say i have some kindof a hobby..besides being a mother and a wife 24/7 :lol: Andy "WA coral" said the same thing about the tank :badgrin::lol: before i know it there willbe a 200gal tank in my living room :) LOL My hubby at first didnt want anything to do with the tank so i started out with small, now when ever we have people over he's the one who sits rite in front of it and tells them what things are (altho he doesnt know squat :confused: about reefs :lol: well me neither. aslong as it's all alive and pretty we are happy!!!
maybe when we are ready for something big as your tank (gorgeous tank by the way...loved it) i will just have to ask for your help :D

Finally i learned how to post bigger pictures :D if you cant see it please let me know:)

the picture is from february - not the most resent - but hey i got it up :lol::lol::lol:
some more pix

i'm loving this photobucket thing :lol::D:lol:
My clown

my dragon flys

full tank shot

two other fishies

and here is my 4 year old fishie :D
just an update :)

I guess it's about time to do an update :D added a few things from Nata, Charisse, Tom and few other people....moved a few things....traded a few things...things are goooood :D

so on to the pix

Thanks nata for the frags :)


when i got my tubs blue i only got 3 polyps now i have plenty and loving it :D

this was last fall, when i first got it

a few more pix





here is a picture of my hammer last fall i think it was like two heads

and here it is now with MANY heads :)

here are my candy canes,,,,thanks Nata,,,glad i got them...i ablsolutely love them. especially after they blew up (opend up :)


and the last is FTS ( full tank shot )please excuse the frag racks :)

so i've been trying to find something in my tank since last night. charisse you get the idea. my purple hornet went missing :eek: yeah i i've been through the whole tank, decided to do some digging around again and fiannly i found him,,, will take pix as soon as he is happy again :oops: but while digging around i noticed my big RBTA moved and pretty much kindof half closed up, half weird, half opened.. so i thought that was very strange that it moved so quickly. so i look at the place it used to be for the last 6 months and it's back there still.. :eek: weird, spooky yeah...NO it's SPLIT :D yeay!!!! my first split anemonie. i'm just so excited so decided to share it with you guys... sorry for such a long paragraph......

this is what i found on the side of my tank


my clowns cant make up his mide which one to host :D



the mother colony in the middle