My purple tang is in trouble

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Aug 19, 2006
I am unable to get him to put him in a hospital tank so i administered Kick Ick into my reef tank. It claims it is reef safe and i followed the directions. The Tang is behaving strangely. he is standing in front of the koralia pump as if to help him breath with the water current coming in his face. Any one experienced this? thank you
Kingskimmer, it would appear "out" is a good place for you to be.

Octopus, if I'm not mistaken, and maybe I am, there have been a few threads posted about this problem you've been having. Unfortunately, as was mentioned on the other threads, even if it takes tearing all your rockwork apart, you're going to need to catch that Tang. Reliable treatment of this parasite is going to take hyposalinity treatment for at least 8 weeks. Not only that, you need to catch ALL the fish and get them out of the display and treat them as well. In this time period, your display tank needs to remain fishless for the same 8 week period.

Rid Ich, Kick ich...these are worthless. Anything that will kill Ich, will also kill all the beneficial critters in your tank. They are NOT at all reef safe. Granted, they probably won't kill your corals, but they'll kill all the other good stuff in your tank.
Just so you don't think it is just the few people saying the same thing, I am going to jump on this and agree with the others that action needs to take place (as in get the tang out). Maybe more people will chime in and let you know aswell. We can't make you or anybody else do anything, so it is up to you if you want to save the fish.

Thanks, and good luck.

I will add my opinion. Your fish must all be removed from the tank and put into hyposalinity. Just think of it as a chance to re-do the aquascape. I find I always like it better the second or third time around anyway.

Once you beat the ich, if you always QT new fish you will not be faced with this again.

Most of us have learned this the hard way!
Let me put this in simple terms. There are basically only two known methods of killing Ick and saving a fish. The first is with copper which is a very advanced technique and requires fancy testing tools. The second is with hyposalinity. There are no other methods.

The same for treating an entire tank: either use copper and prevent ever being able to keep corals or inverts, or leave it empty of fish for two full months.

Once one fish gets Ick in a tank, all fish are presumed to be infected.

Any bottled treatment that contains enough copper to kill Ick will kill everything else beneficial such as snails, shrimp, and many things that keep the water clean,

In most aquariums, an untreated fish will die a slow agonizing death as the parasite consumes it's gills while severely irritating all the rest of it's body.


If you don't read up on how to deal with the problem, you can kiss your fish goodbye.

Reefing since the 70s
Is the tang in a quarantine tank on his way to recovery? Give an update.
Thank you all. After a serious water change (90 gallons) the fish seems to be doing a lot better. eating and swiming ... sorry i did not reply earlier due to stress issues at work (potential layoffs).
Means the disease is now in Trophont stage where the parasite is now in that stage of it's life cycle, where they fall off to reproduce and come back even stronger.
Octopus, how come you are not putting the fish in a quarantine tank? I can only stress how important this is for the survival of your fish.

Some may disagree but a cleaner wrasse and shrimp should help prolong him, no?
I would agree. A cleaner shrimp or wrasse may help, then again it may not. Getting a fish out of the display is a serious pain though. Either way ultimately Octo will decide what is best for him.
I would agree. A cleaner shrimp or wrasse may help, then again it may not. Getting a fish out of the display is a serious pain though. Either way ultimately Octo will decide what is best for him.

I would argue that by purchasing a fish you are making a commitment and your decision should not be based on what is best (easiest)for the owner, but what is best for the fish!

Yeah it is a pain to pull rock out of the tank, but this is not an easy hobby to do right. If you want easy get a goldfish bowl!

Just my opinion!
So, not hyposalinating a fish is cruelty to animals, or are we morally committed to everything we buy?
Talking religion here and that is the absolute in opinion.
Sooooooo, IMHO, yes.
I look at fish similar to cats and dogs and there are very few reasons to allow them to suffer due to ignorance or laziness. If the care of fish were in competition for time needed for people's care, then one should evaluate if one really has the time for a marine aquarium.

This is just my opinion, no more correct than any other opinion and will add that I am not a vegetarian.