My purple tang is in trouble

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Any aquarium decoration, rock, substrate, etc. can transmit parasites. When the parasite is in its 'off-the-fish' stages, the parasite can cling to rock (living or dead), plastic decorations, plants, underwater pumps, substrate, etc.

If those items are moved from an infected tank to a non-infected tank, there is a good probability that the parasite will tag along.

It gets worse, I'm afraid. The transfer doesn't even have to be a solid object. Just transferring infected water is enough to bring the parasite along. When the parasite is in its free-swimming stage, it can infect water such that a teaspoon (or less!) of infected water being put into an uninfected system, will infect it.
Sorry i have been away. Work and the uncertainity of layoffs :(... some good news for a change, my Purple tang is doing much better. He is eating and swiming all over the tank... the ick is still there but he is in a much better shape. I did two serious water changes in the past 10 days and took the risk to put the ick attack medication. I don't know if it made any difference but all corals and invertebraes are doing well and the fish are doing much better. I lost few fish unfortunately. I lost one clown fish (the other one was infected but he is now fully recovered), an emrpor angel (that was tough to lose!) and a small cowfish (which i am assuming is the culpri as i bought him from QT and i should have not introduced him to the tank.... could it be he released the poision that caused all of this?). The current fish in the tank are:
- Clown fish (no sign of any ick even though he was infected)
- Flame angel (no sign of any ick)
- watchman goby (no sign of any ick)
- Purple tang (signs of ick but much better than he was.. he is no longer swiming close to the powerhead and eating with a huge appetite)

I learnt an expensive lesson... need to get a hospital tank setup; never buy fish from some stores.

For those who wrote back to me with support, thank you so much!!!
Sorry i just realized i did not update everyone on the status. The purple tang is 100% fully cured and so is my perc clown! I did two water changes and i used the ick kick and the fish are now happy. I dont know if it is the medication that did it or the water change. My thoughts are that cow fish i bought and it died may had something to do wiht it (releasing poison - not sure). For few days i really thought i would wake up to see the tang gone... he is a survior!

Thank you all for your support!
The purple tang is 100% fully cured

fish may be fine now, but don't expect any new fish to acclimate well into this environment. The ich will always be in there.

Good luck,
