New house, new baby and new tank...Dailydriven911's 34g Cube!

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I have some cycled rock you can use for a quick cycle. It's not the best shapes but it'll get you kick started.

I have some cycled rock you can use for a quick cycle. It's not the best shapes but it'll get you kick started.

Thanks Joe I might take you up on that offer. I'm getting 25 lbs from BRS so I might want some uncured rock to start the cycle. Btw I got lazy tonight so maybe leak test in the morning...:)
Leak test was not exactly successful...:( I had two small drip leaks coming from the elbows on each side behind the tank. Other than that everything else passed with flying colors. So I picked up some silicon to seal around the connection. That should take care of the problem. :) So I'll be draining the water tonight and leak test again in the morning.
I filled the tank! I re-did the plumbing waited 48 hrs and no leaks! System is running perfect and is super quiet! I need to post better pics so hopefully tomorrow I'll have a few good ones. I went with about 20 lbs (2") of Caribsea Seaflor special grade sand. I did a simple aquascape with about 15 lbs of BRS Eco rock. I usually like to be creative with my aquascape but I think this time around I need more space for corals to grow up and out. I have a few weeks before I'm going to be able to even think about adding livestock so it should give me plenty of time to gather a list for corals and fish. :)
Tank is going through it's cycle and everything is going as planned. Only thing bugging me right now is the micro bubbles coming from the return pump. No bubbles at all in the sump so I narrowed it down to the pump. I'm thinking I need to wait another week or two to let the plumbing slime over and they should go away. I'm not getting a ton but enough to where I notice.
Coming up on 8 months with no update. Thats gotta be one of the longest weekends to get pics Just read your thread. Sounded like you were a bit excited. Hows your tank doing?
Haha I was just going to update this...thanks for the reminder! I can't believe it's been 8 months! Honestly for about 4-5 months my maintenance was lacking and I just changed the aquascape every couple months. A few weeks ago I decided to go all or nothing and it was time to revamp the tank. I drained the water, cleaned the sb, re-aquascaped and changed over to Red Sea pro coral salt. Everything has been taking off since! I added about 20 corals and things look amazing now. Tonight I received my BM nac 3.5 cone skimmer, Neptune ph probe and cpr in-tank refugium and miracle mud. I'm going to set this up in my sump and plant either mangroves, feather caulerpa or chaeto. Eventually I'd like to go to a controllable led setup so I can control the lighting schedule but the Kessil A350 looks awesome and I have been more than happy with it. I can still adjust the intensity and color manually but I'd like have this done via internet or controller. I'll try and get some decent pics and maybe a video of the tank in the next day or so!

Coming up on 8 months with no update. Thats gotta be one of the longest weekends to get pics Just read your thread. Sounded like you were a bit excited. Hows your tank doing?
Isnt that what you said Last Time ?? LOL
Looks great. Got more views?

I know I'm terrible. I have a plan this time with coral placement. It's basically a diagonal rock structure that runs from front to back with open space under and around it. I'll place the corals from top to bottom and once they grow out it will look like the corals are floating somewhat. :) The fish seem to like it too. I'll get some good pics tomorrow with a Nikon D90 instead of these iPhone pics. :)