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Mudd is cheap but we used two 5 gallon buckets of the green top and two of the dark blue so far :p

it was way cheaper to just do this myself than to hire a contractor to do all this work:rolleyes:
last reef ceramics came...two walls , two pillars, and a cave which is in the middle of the pillars in this pic.

Nice Mike! Have you set them all up together to get a idea or "picture" of what you have to look forward to? I think it will be nice! If not, then atleast you learned how to re-model a room!(LOL JK) I'm sure it will be great!:) Best of luck...
LAst coat of Mud went on the main room today. After the new year we are going to sand and prime it, hang the doors, and finish up the aquarium wing. Hope to have floor laid and be all done by February (first week I hope)

Looks like you got some work accomplished since...Does the steps in the first picture have anything to do with the tank?
No but th eglass door in teh second tucked in the closet does :p
that is the door that does in the doorway leading into the aquarium room:)

I wanted to use glass to keep things open looking but also to silence the rest of the house from em when I go into my solitude chamber to think about life while staring into my tank ;)
I wanted to use glass to keep things open looking but also to silence the rest of the house from em when I go into my solitude chamber to think about life while staring into my tank

That's good thinking...I can't wait until you are finished. I think it will come out great and where you have your hands in doing work on it, you will definately appreciate it so much more:)
Well tommorow the Electrician will be back to finish the electrical under the tank and in teh wall next to the tank. Painting will also begin tomorow in the living room. The elctricity is hooked up for the lights in the utility room and aquarium lounge also.

Here are some pics of the reef cermics in the tank.




This is a pic of teh lights on in the aquarium lounge (my new name for that room LOL) I know its silly I guess but I think it looks cool!

Man...That is going to look awesome when it is finished! I like how the layout looks sitting in the tank...I guess seeing that made you a little "antsy" on getting it finished(LOL) Best of luck and as you can see, I'm still tagging along:)
Well it has but it also made me rethink some thngs so I am revicing some equipment right now

Ahhh...Well take your time. You have been very patient thus far so no need to rush and regret now. I think it will all work out and come together nicely. You seem to know what you are doing and if not, you are great at pretending:lol:
Thanks LOL........

Well originally I had thought I would use this Iwaki 100rlt on four penductors to augment my tunze streams (all five of them) and the wave box. I put the reef ceramics in (BTW I still have one wall plate that I need to cut to size to fill in the open areas) and started playing with Tunze placement. Looking at this realistically now that I can see it better with the ceramics, I really dont need penductors at all. I will have plenty of water movement in the tank without using penductors and a power sucking pump.

SO I am re-thinking my pump choices right now and think I will treat myself to a Red Dragon 6.5m3 that operates at 75 watts and can easily handle my tank since I am not relying on it to produce water motion just enogh turn over to direct feed my skimmer and that really it. It si still nice though at 1700 gallons per hour output for 75 watts.
Well originally I had thought I would use this Iwaki 100rlt on four penductors to augment my tunze streams (all five of them) and the wave box

Are you planning a reef tank or something to surf in?(LOL) Man, that's a lot of flow and water movement for sure! Should be great for the tank! I guess you've got deadspots covered...Next!:)
I got my Schuran also and a masterflex lab pump to feed it with.

after I looked at things and the use of stream rocks to conceal the pumps I am going to just use teh stream and the wave box.

I know I could surf if I wanted too though :)
Have some updates......

I will let teh pics talk for me though :)




Different Appraoch to lighting (I may be turning Japanese)



By George it glows in the moonlight


Monitpora lit from 6 feet away by the LED Spot

20K MH Iwaski Spot (HQI)
I am still gpoing to use my 2-250 in the LAIII and 3-4 T5/VHO's but I am going to make better use of lighting.

I have been reading about the corals we keep more recently s it pertains to their rate ofphotosynthesis. From the research I am reading the rate of photosynthesis is higher in the morning.... wanes around noon and then picks up a bit near the end of the day....

The plan is a brief wake up with the T5/VHO ( have not decided) then add teh 2-250 watt 14K Aquaconnects for 4-5 hours. About 30 minutes to hour before tehy go off the 20K spots will come on and illumiate teh three islands with teh actinics / day lamps and will stay on another 2-3 hours then off with them. The nthe reaminder of teh lighting cycle will be carried out with T5/VHO and the LEDS. The LEDS spots will remain on 24/7 and be dimmed at night.
:p Getting closer.....

I hope to have water in this in about a month to six weeks from now. The custom shutters for the front opening will be ordered in a week or two.

All that is left is sme trim work and flors :)


