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Mike! It's really looking great! This is truely a showcase to say the least! Very nice work man...I'm still following. Best of luck as you finish it up!:)
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If my on call is not to bad this weekend I am going to get the PVC bender out and start plumbing this with a friend of mine. I have the carpet company coming Saturday to do an estimate for me. I think that after I get back from the IMAC I will start slowly stocking things. The QT system is my next big hurdle to cross :)
Well my on call weekend was terrrible so no plumbing :) Plan on placing another 1.5 inch bulkead though in the sump. Got me red dragon return pump and decided to change the posistion of teh return outlet. Better now than after thigns were running. Still going to use the 1 inch to feed the Schuran with.

The custom shutters came as well and were installed this morning.




We drilled teh sump this evening and it went A-OK!

Long raod but coming closer to being at the end now. Next weekend we might be finished with the tile project and by then I hope to have a carpet contracotr lined up to lay the carpet down there.

The good thing is I can start plumbing early next week when the 5 1.5 inch bulkheads I ordered arrive.
Wow!!! This was my first time through this thread! Great documentation, and awesome looking project! Can't wait to see it get stocked!!
so did u have to drill holes in the ceramic backing for return pumps?
why to u get the tunze rocks to hide them so u cant see any electrical oponets all these great tanks cant wait to move out of home and sey up a whole room of tanks
sick of not having a sum cant wait to see how it looks when finshed
thought about what fish u are going to stock yet? besides the angles and if u going sps arent u worried that will nip your lovely acros?
good luck hope u dont have as many head aches as me dude
truly awsome
I have a Tunze rock for the 6100 and a wavebox. Have not drilled the ceramics at all. I do not plan on it. I have cut them to size though (the wall plates) and might have to trim out a spot for anotehr 6100 or onwe of my 6080's. I have a total of five streams that I can use but will likely use one 6100 and the 6080 in hte tunze rock (for blowing detritus off the bottom). I am excited to see the wave box in action :)

As for fish,

Masked Japanese swallowtails (triplets)
A trio of leopard wrasses (still researching but I have one in my small holding tank now)
Pair of ocellaris (have thenm in small holding)
Royal Gramma (have her as well)
Bimaculatas Anthias (small school of 5)

ANd I think thats it :)
Wow! Excellent job Mike. I relly like your rock backing. Can't wait to see the Masked Swallotails. BTW What size is the ER skimmer? Sorry if I missed it in the thread. Keep up the great work.
Thats OK :)

I might buy a Euro-reef for my frag / QT system LOL

I have a Deltec HOT but that may be used elsewhere and ER is reasonable enough in terms of price for this application
so when u say u trimmed the backing to size how do u incoperate the holes in the back of ur tank to allow water to flow back in with the rock in the way of them unless they are to the side of the rock and i cant see them?
I understand now why you're referencing holes :)

The original aquarium was going to have closed loop holes drilled through the back :)....

The tank builder was unable to build this tank at a reasonable cost for me so I went with another tank builder who was local (glad I did too). In all the chaos of getting my refund from tank builder one I started to think more adn more about the wave box. One night I ordered it :) along with 5 stream pumps. This eliminated the need for the closed loop holes.

If you needed to open them up you could use a holes saw to do it.
cool cheers man how much did a wave box and 5 streams cost u?
a bit i would imagine wish i had enough money fro just 2 a a wave box
Mike - I look forward to seeing how you like the wavebox! I hear they are incredible.

I still have my first born :) but it was a chink of change. I have spread this cost out over 18 months so it has not been terrible. The carpet and flooring are going in this w\next few weeks.

Plumbing as soon as the PVC bender arrives.

Just have some finish work trimming out the aquarium and the railing in the other part of the basement.

here we go

Aquarium lounge and tank





New Aquascaping and sand bed (was going to go BB then changed my mind LOL)



view up the end and plumbing valves

