Next fish - what do you think?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2005
Hi All,

I'm starting to research another "display" fish to add to my 125. I'd like to hear feedback, opinions and suggestions please:

Two that I'm interested in are:

Convict Tang (GORGEOUS)
Desjardini Sailfin Tang (Not too shabby either)

I don't like Rabbitfish/Foxface even though I know that they'd be good additions :)

Current Inhabitants in 125 tank with 110lbs Live Rock, Misc Softies, Leathers:

Blue Tang
Six Line Wrasse
Clarkii Clown
Royal Gramma
Coral Beauty Angel
Lawnmower Blenny
Black Sainfin Blenny
Yellow Head Goby
Catalina Goby
Cleaner Shrimp
Pepermint Shrimp
Misc Cleaner Pack
Sand Sifting Star

and one foot long evil Tiger Striped Serpent Star
Both of those tangs will outgrow your tank, especially the Desjardini (one of the largest species of tangs). I would say that the Foxface would also be a good addition, and if you don't like the most common Foxface (Lo Vulpinus) you should look at the Lo Magnifica. If you have heard of Saltwater City on 20th in Bellevue, they frequently have them and the look awesome. I also really like anthias because of their extremely bright coloring, just a suggestion.

Scooter, a Hippo is a blue tang, not technically but they are the same through common names. There is an atlantic blue tang which I doubt salty is refering to.

ahh, ok so many choices, I love tangs, maybe post some more ideas to see what will be compatible.I love the sailfin but they get large fast.
I have no idea what a swissgaurd is! :)

And to clear up any confusion as to what tang I do have, it's "Dory" from Finding Nemo :O

I'm open to suggestions for other Tangs, I love most of them, just not sure who will get along with my "Natural Blue" ;)
Those convicts are sweet looking in my opinion. But don't take my word for it. I can't even tell LR from concrete hahahaha
What about......another Clarkii clown ;)

:lol: Sorry Shauna, I had to put that in...but you're more than welcome to.

Another one I thought of is a foxface, although they get big as well....however, I had one (one spot foxface Lo), and it would follow the tang around and be friends.

Usually a lot of people say the "Dori" fish as a 'hepatus' or 'regal tang'. I have never heard them call it a Blue tang, just as mentioned above, it may be confused with the Atlantic Blue Tang (which looks different as juvenile and adults).

- Ilham
Shauna are you established enough to have a Mandarin? Lots of pods in the tank?
You just need to come over and tell me yourself! :p I haven't seen the bugs in the flashlight beam so I don't know... I wouldn't want the poor guy to kick it.

Common Ken, I'm talking about another TANG!!!! :eek:

Shauna I think a Convict Tang would be the absolute perfect fish for you!!