Northend Chapter of PSAS?

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Would you like to see a North end chapter of PSAS formed?

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As far as sponsership, there is Island Pet Center which has Saltwater fish, corals and accessories. also Jones pet in Marysvill and clark feed in bellingham and whomever may pop up in the North end. As Sid said, there will be additional income coming in from new members amd as a new chapter, meetings could be held at various locations for no cost. As far as door prizes, what about getting back to what a club is all about which is helping others, learning from others as well as socializing. I am sure there are alot of creative things that can be done to make this go without the PSAS feeling a financial burden.
Just trying to midigate the risk now rater than later. Just want to understand the process, maybe this should be taken to the psas website?
Just trying to midigate the risk now rater than later. Just want to understand the process, maybe this should be taken to the psas website?

After Discussion with Tom (PSAS President) and with the blessing of RF Staff, it was decided that we should put it here to reach out to thoses who may not be PSAS Members as well.

Your input Freya is very much appreciated.
With my son's condition, I rarely can attend meetings, hence the reason why I said maybe instead of Yes. Although, the Northend chapter is closer for me, so more appealing to attend mtgs.
I voted no on this poll.

I am a member of the PSAS board of directors.

sid and freya both covered alot of my concerns regarding starting a northern chapter of the PSAS already, but when it come down to a generallized statement as to why I voted no on this issue:

There was simply no plan of implementation, just a general idea of having a northern PSAS chapter.

That created way too many question and concerns that I had about things like allocation of funds, allocation of event, future sponsors etc...

I saw that you had contacted Tom, I did the same to try and get a better idea as to what the intent of this poll was, as well as try to get a grip on what was being discussed between the two of you.

from our brief discussion, Tom was going over a few ideas that you two were having such as all funds being handled by the origional PSAS staggering meetings so they do not conflict with one anther, and the potential of increased sponsorship.

I personally do not like the idea of having two club chapters having a unified fund repository(for lack of a better term) I can envision problems arising from this situation:

chapter A brings in more funds then chapter B, chapter B wants to do something that exceeds the ammount of funds they have generated. chapter A winds up having a problem with it and feels there funds should not be used for what chapter B wants and feels there money should be used for their activites more local to the chapter A club members.

I really would not to expect to get a LARGE increase if any increase in sponsors from opening a second norther chapter of the PSAS.

I have been doing alot of work in the acquisition of new sponsors, out of the 200+ retailers and wholesellers I have contacted less then 8 were locally owned and operated buisness. It's just because of the ammount of petstores located in the puget sound area, there is just not that many out there, the bulk of the sponsors the PSAS offically has are out of state/online buisness, simply because there is MORE of them. Acquiring more sponsors is just a numbers game (not talking statistics either, just raw numbered results) the more people you contact the more sponsors you will get, period. I could rattle off a percentage of sponsors to sponship requests if I want but I think it would just lead to dissapointment probably less then 1 percent of them actually became sponsors of the club. One was locally owned, and a prior sponsor to the PSAS under a diffrent name.

I saw that dolphonlvr made a statement in this thread "70% would want this to happen" in regard to I'm assuming the ammount of people participating in the poll.

I see 11 people.
I can easily state that this is less then 10% of the total population if PSAS members, however it is pointless to do so just like the PERCENTAGE of votes in favor of a northend chapter. What matters is the raw number of people willing to participate(not just thinking its a great idea, but willing to GO) in a northend chapter. I mean come on50% of 2 people is still just 1. So vote on this please, raw numbers are needed to give anyone an idea as to wheather or not this idea is worth looking into further.

And finally a show of interest in the form of butts in seats at meetings would probably go alot further the expressions of interest via an online forum. Express how you feel while your present at meetings. I have not been attending meetings for very long at all, but I can say this:

there is a DEFINITE group of regulars that attend the monthly meetings regardless of the location. Shouldn't we cater to those who attend rather then those who do not?
We had a meeting in Everett last month I did see a few new faces yet the bulk of attendees were the same folks I have seen at almost every meeting I have attended. They only thing having a northernly located meeting caused was a lack of attendance among the REGULARS not the southenders, theres a difference. I might have had a diffrent voting response if I had seen as much interest in a northward meeting present at the last meeting in Everett as I do in this thread.

(Side tangent, I'm absolutly sick and tired of haveing Seattle being designated the center of Puget Sound, it is not. yes I agree traffic SUCKS right there but that does not qualify it as being the CENTER it qualifies it as being terrible to drive through regardless of what direction your going nothing more. It seems as if I am a southender myself being in Federal Way, but honestly I'm smack dab in the middle of it all )
John - Thanks for your comments!

Yes, what Tom and I talked about the idea of having a Northend Chapter of PSAS and how we could go about doing it. Obviously, this is ultimately up to the Board of Directors to decide upon. Once a decision is made to have a Northend Chapter, then all the minute details can be work out. As I have said, we can have a few people that would take on the responsibility of planning all the meeteings, events and what not. Again PSAS covers a Very large area and the vast majority of members are in the South end. There are not a whole lot of Northenders that are members of the PSAS due to the distance.

When i said 70% it was in regards to this poll, because this poll is designed to gauge the interest of Northenders having a chapter formed to be a part of PSAS. I feel that if the chapter was formed, that this would be a Benefit to PSAS in increased income and that EVERY member would benefit.

Isnt a Reef club supposed to foster the learning and helping of other Reefers? To help educate future reefers? That is what we would be accomplishing by having a Northend chapter.
I personally feel that the concerns brought up in this thread are not minute details, rather very important critical areas affecting how the present and (potential) future northern chapter of the PSAS would be ran, that need to be addressed before I can even begin to make a rational decision regarding a northern chapter.

Isn't the PSAS fostering learning among other reef hobbyist right now? Are we not trying to help educate our present members. I have thought that our meetings have been very relavant to the themes of education and comradary, please correct me if I am wrong here. By the way where is this mysterious dividing line between north and south enders, I have been perplexed with this idea eversince I had first seen the notion last year.

What I am looking for is a plan, not set in stone obviously but something to build off of. A general idea of how funds should be allocated, that can be built upon and a possible preliminary schedule of meeting with ideas about there content. Possible locations that these meetings can take place at. The idea is a good one, but theres is more to it then that what are the thoughts behind this idea? why do you need PSAS help? Why is there a need for an affiliate club? What about a seperate club all togther?
John, Thank you for achknowledging that this is a good idea. Through out this thread, and idea and a basic plan has been put forth. If the BOD decided that this was a good enough idea to proceed and work out the details such as the allocations of funds, I am all for that and welcome the BOD's input.

If the BOD decided that they should not proceed with this idea, then it would be up to the Northenders to come to a conclusion as to what they want to do.

What i was meaning about my statement "Isnt a Reef club supposed to foster the learning and helping of other Reefers? To help educate future reefers?" was clearly stat\ing that there are ALOT of non members out there in the Northend that would benifit from having a Northend chapter! In No way was it meant as a dig to PSAS! I am very grateful to the PSAS and its members as they helped me get to the point i am with my reef setup.
I just went back and re-read this thread, and I think I might be missing something because I still saw no basic plan created by you or anyone else posting. What I did see were SEVERAL good suggestions that could be included into a basic plan and that is all.
I just went back and re-read this thread, and I think I might be missing something because I still saw no basic plan created by you or anyone else posting. What I did see were SEVERAL good suggestions that could be included into a basic plan and that is all.

That is what I was alluding to. What really needs to happen IMHO is that the BOD needs to decide if this is something they want to endorse, if it is, I have no problem laying out a plan with the help of the other Northenders. For me to sit here and throw out a plan at this point (including the allocation of funds) wouldnt be the right thing to do as the plan NEEDS the BOD involvement and approval since it would be a chapter of the PSAS.
As I was talking this over with quite a few people, we had discussed have members of the North act as a Liason with the PSAS BOD, doing all of the work in getting new members, organizing meetings and drumming up some sponsership up here in the North end.

That is what I was alluding to. What really needs to happen IMHO is that the BOD needs to decide if this is something they want to endorse, if it is, I have no problem laying out a plan with the help of the other Northenders.

How can i exactly tell you wether or not I endorse something without a plan? The northenders want this, I voted no as a member of the BOD. I feel a PROPOSAL is needed before any preliminary endorsement is made and it is up to those folks who want to be involved in the northend to come up with something more then just a good idea, which IT IS but that is all it is an idea that still needs work.

I see a decent ammount of brainstorming going on in this thread among the "northenders" generating ideas on how the chapter could be ran. Colloborate, design, and implement a proposal describing your vision of what and how the northern chapter of the PSAS should be, and then we can proceed from that point.
here is a Basic Plan:

1) Have members from the North act as Liasons or assistants to PSAS
2) North Chapter will organize all meetings
3) Meetings to be held on a different Saturday than PSAS
4) Meetings to be held at members homes or at a LFS until revenue generated could support another location if so desired
5) Allocation of funds need to be worked on with BOD of PSAS

I know it is basic and not what your looking for John but its a start
here is a Basic Plan:

1) Have members from the North act as Liasons or assistants to PSAS
2) North Chapter will organize all meetings
3) Meetings to be held on a different Saturday than PSAS
4) Meetings to be held at members homes or at a LFS until revenue generated could support another location if so desired
5) Allocation of funds need to be worked on with BOD of PSAS

I know it is basic and not what your looking for John but its a start

and it's a good one at that. Now all of the other northenders who feel this is important to them to have a northern club, the time for involvment has started. This is the time that you need to show that your serious about this and help dolphinLVR build off of these five point he has stated. Involvment in the formulation of a proposal would speak loudly to both people FOR and AGAINST this idea. If there is no involvement why should DolphinLVR or the BOD try to create a northern chapter. If there IS involvement......why would I say no at that point.

You are the ones that want a northern chapter of the PSAS, not me. I will go to the PSAS meetings regardless of the location when time permits. I have taken too much time on this thread today, but I felt it was necessary. Back to my studies for finals week.
I'm kind of on the fence with this one. I do agree with John on a few good points and there definatly needs to be a plan before anything is even going to happen.

My concerns are,

1. Added cost of memberships. Cost to run this North end Chapter.
2. Dual meetings? So I am going to possibly have to drive to both meetings if there is something that peaks my interest at both meetings? I prefer to do one drive not two.
3. Sponsorship. There should be more sponsorship from the Northend than just one or two pet stores.
4. Too many unasnwered questions. Is there a second BOD for this chapter? Or is there just one BOD? It cost a lot to run a club and now we are asked to support not one but two clubs (added expenses).

And the big question... WHY is this not being proposed to the current PSAS members at the PSAS website? I understand having this here at RF too but it really should be at the PSAS website as well.

Off my soap box for now. Cheers,
I'm kind of on the fence with this one. I do agree with John on a few good points and there definatly needs to be a plan before anything is even going to happen.

My concerns are,

1. Added cost of memberships. Cost to run this North end Chapter.
2. Dual meetings? So I am going to possibly have to drive to both meetings if there is something that peaks my interest at both meetings? I prefer to do one drive not two.
3. Sponsorship. There should be more sponsorship from the Northend than just one or two pet stores.
4. Too many unasnwered questions. Is there a second BOD for this chapter? Or is there just one BOD? It cost a lot to run a club and now we are asked to support not one but two clubs (added expenses).

And the big question... WHY is this not being proposed to the current PSAS members at the PSAS website? I understand having this here at RF too but it really should be at the PSAS website as well.

Off my soap box for now. Cheers,

Hi Alex,

you bring up some valid points, The only initial added costs will be for Membership cards at the begining, i believe they should all be the same.

they will be a group of people doing all the work for the North end and the BOD will still remain the same, this is and still will be PSAS. As far as you having to go to two meetings, that is your choice as it will be the choice of those who live in the south.

What we are trying to achieve here is to gauge the interest of those who would like to see a North End Chapter being formed and to proceed from here. This should not be the place to IMHO to lay out a plan as to the particulars to how things should be run. All we are trying to do is gauge the interest so that we can proceed further. Once a decision is made to proceed, then all of the planning and what not can be done.
Ok, I'll chime in now that I have a chance too. Yes I did support Jeff and presenting this idea here and via a poll.

Alex. It will be discussed on the psas board when its to an actually potential implementation stage and not just ideas.

Sid. actually north ends meeting have been had and attempted more than a few times, each time. nearly all of the voices complaining about the lack of north end meetings didn't show. And honestly I have zero desire to cater to someone who isn't going to follow through.

I personally see this having potential but there are a few things that MUST be achieved before it really becomes feasible.

The cost of the additional meetings etc needs to be covered by the increased membership/sponsorship.
The increased work load needs to be handled in some way (from Jeffs posts and our discussion he has a few people to do that)
This extension of the club needs to actually be justifiable (I think this would be a complete waste for anything short of 40 members/year)

Floyd and Todd: Not achieving these things and the apprehensiveness that the "ends will justify the means" is most likely where the "no's" are from. There's plenty of room for this to go wrong, which is why it needs to be executed well. By doing this poll and getting an actual feeler and idea of what kind of responses you'll get is a good start.
all righty then....

im not currently a member of psas, BUT,
having served on the BOD for several years, and having been president for a year, gives me a fairly good idea of the issues facing psas...

first off... this is nothing new...
we were discussing this years ago.

and the reasons we decided against this last time were because we felt it was not in psas's best interest to "splinter" the club into sub-groups based upon area...
the funds available to psas at any given time is fairly limited being the main reason...
the other reasons being that we felt it was better for the comraderie, event/meeting planning, and less work for the bod..which are volunteers.

BUT... i also understand the frustration of the choice to have most all the meetings down south...
i hate tacoma, and i hate puyallup...
i never want to go there if humanly possible, and i do think it's totally unfair to ask all the other members from all the other areas just to accept the fact that alot of the club members live down south and just have the meetings there... very annoying.

also, i have to disagree with you johnpeezy...
when you consider people come from everett, the penninsula, bellevue/redmond, and tacoma/puyallup, seattle IS the central location between all...
but the real trick is, where is there an affordable, easy to find location in seattle for psas meetings??

this is a difficult issue... does psas spend extra effort/money to reel in the mem's in the outlying areas??
or just let them break away into smaller clubs.
i know folks on the penninsula ultimately started having a few of their own get-togethers, not quite a club...but at least bi or tri monthly meetings at local shops/homes.

i think psas has to ask it's self what is better for psas;
to spend extra money/man power to accomodate outlying area members, or allow them to annex off into smaller groups, or just have them start seperate clubs on their own...
years ago we felt it was more important to leave psas entact with all members/locations, but this may no longer be the best solution...
good luck with your decision!! :)
I havent really been a part of the BOD since we set up psas originally and to be honest I do not want to interfere with the process you folks have going but I thought I would try to inject some options for the PSAS and truely any other club out thier.

The concept of clubs is a great thing for both the hobby and those that injoy the hobby but as we can see here when a club streaches over such a vast area it becomes tough for some to participate. I dont have any magic answer for this but I would like to put forward that RF will help in any way we can, so in saying that we could help possibly to add some other methods for you all

>We are going to get a series of presentations going on here in the form of webinars, in doing so of coarse all members will be invited. We would be more then happy to set up webinars for individual clubs that want to have a private one for their clubs, from their you could make it whatever you want or for whatever you want.

> the other is the chat system on RF has multiple rooms, we could set up a room for just members of a club (private) if they wanted to have something like this also.

Again this is not going to replace the getting together part of being in a club, but perhaps it might be something to enhance it or add to it, when getting together is just a tough one. And we would be more then happy to supply it with no costs to the club or its members??

anywa just I thought I would through that out thier
