Northend Chapter of PSAS?

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Would you like to see a North end chapter of PSAS formed?

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DWAYNE.. our old President lives Way up in Lynnwood (I think).. He made it to almost EVERY MEETING!

If you want to be there.. You'll be there..
AND furthermore.. January meeting is on WHIDBEY ISLAND!!
NONE of the BOD lives even NEAR there..

hey, if you actually read carefully, im all for keeping psas together,
despite the fact that i would like to see more meetings up north...
not such and insane request merriting everyone getting their panties in a bunch....
and i know you guys have rotating area for your meetings...
my comments were in reply to john who was suggesting the fed way/tukwila/renton central point.

and i was just kidding with the club names for gods sake... hence the JK and smiley face... im sorry.
if you cant get snarkey with life and you take it too serious, then it's pretty much worthless, IMO.
and i certainly laugh at myself equally as much as laughing others, so please, forgive me, and lighten up.
i actually like you and consider you a cool guy.
Locking an open forum that is not abusive is a pretty serious choice. One that the BOD of our club should not be making off of the club website. Censorship is NEVER a good thing.
hey, if you actually read carefully, im all for keeping psas together,
despite the fact that i would like to see more meetings up north...
not such and insane request merriting everyone getting their panties in a bunch....
and i know you guys have rotating area for your meetings...
my comments were in reply to john who was suggesting the fed way/tukwila/renton central point.

and i was just kidding with the club names for gods sake... hence the JK and smiley face... im sorry.
if you cant get snarkey with life and you take it too serious, then it's pretty much worthless, IMO.
and i certainly laugh at myself equally as much as laughing others, so please, forgive me, and lighten up.
i actually like you and consider you a cool guy.
LOL I see that.. but the timing on your "joke" was terrible..we'll meet up sometime and I'll teach you all about comedic timing.. ;)
We want to keep the PSAS together.. so thats why I have nothing to do with the PSAS BOD from this moment forward..
I was only on as a helper this year .. they don't need my quick temper or my "no BS attitude..." Apparently from Holden Daniel not taking my offer for help to get to the November meeting and then bashing the entire BOD and meeting on the boards publicly,and then this thread, I guess I am a bad guy...not cut out to deal with children.I am not a good babysitter..
So I will bow out respectfully!!
As for you! Mister skimmer lover.. We are good.. I was just taking a low blow when I saw an opening :)

OH and food for thought..
The starter of this thread WAS on the PSAS BOD and had to drop out due to family issues.. Which I understand..
BUT he joined and volunteered to help the PSAS BOD this year knowing well that some of the meetings were to be own south..Furthermore.. We have WAY better turnouts on the southend meetings!!!!
This is a discussion, not a proposal for the PSAS BOD as of yet. Please keep it reasonable and open.
I'm sure there are many opinions and ideas out there that can be expressed in a respectful way.
Mojo: If you feel you must put the brakes on, please address those persons that you find disagreeable.
Ya know I gave Jeff my blessing to make this thread a FEELER! at most just to see what kind of interest he would get in a north end chapter. The thread was going well until todays series of ridiculousness. Honestly after reading todays posts I have not problem with this thread being shut down, I've had enough of this childish bickering when someone (like jeff) tries to come up with a reasonable win-win solution.
Nah, Adam not you :)
We wouldn't enjoy you half so much if you went all mellow on us!
I just want the discussion to continue without ANYONE taking things personal.
It might or might not be the right move, but we should be able to discuss it.
Locking an open forum that is not abusive is a pretty serious choice. One that the BOD of our club should not be making off of the club website. Censorship is NEVER a good thing.
I would consider the behavior of todays posts to be plenty of reason to close the thread. its not censorship if few can manage to act like an adult and have a real discussion.
Workaholic> Oh I agree that the conversation went the wrong way, but the folk here have strong opinions. I think that they will cool off and offer useful ideas given the chance.
I really dont want to close the thread, beyond some of the bickering the conversation has merit and it sounds like some of your members are asking some questions, might be a good idea to at least listen to them??

One thing that should be remembered is that this big club was put together by 4 or 5 of us that used to meet in one of our living rooms over a beer or two. The whole concept was for like minded folks to get together and share the hobby. Has that changed??

I have read through this thread several times trying to come to an understanding of the thought process behind many of the accusations. From the beginning I took this thread as a means to gauge the interest of the other "NORTHENDERS." I did not know that this was a public proposal to the BOD of PSAS. I thought this was merely a tool to find out how many are interested. The civil war is over lets not reenact it with our petty stabs and pokes at other people in the club.
I have read through this thread several times trying to come to an understanding of the thought process behind many of the accusations. From the beginning I took this thread as a means to gauge the interest of the other "NORTHENDERS." I did not know that this was a public proposal to the BOD of PSAS. I thought this was merely a tool to find out how many are interested. The civil war is over lets not reenact it with our petty stabs and pokes at other people in the club.
Sorry if you took it the wrong way.. I was just picking out two northend names and you fell victim..
I wasn't saying you'll cry.. it was an example..
Sorry if you took it the wrong way..
MY POINT is the PSAS has this argument EVERY YEAR from the north enders..
A broken record I say!
What about the poor souls on the Kitsap Peninsula ?? We haven;t had a meeting over there in over three years from what I understand!
That is what I was alluding to. What really needs to happen IMHO is that the BOD needs to decide if this is something they want to endorse, if it is, I have no problem laying out a plan with the help of the other Northenders. For me to sit here and throw out a plan at this point (including the allocation of funds) wouldnt be the right thing to do as the plan NEEDS the BOD involvement and approval since it would be a chapter of the PSAS.

here is a Basic Plan:

1) Have members from the North act as Liasons or assistants to PSAS
2) North Chapter will organize all meetings
3) Meetings to be held on a different Saturday than PSAS
4) Meetings to be held at members homes or at a LFS until revenue generated could support another location if so desired
5) Allocation of funds need to be worked on with BOD of PSAS

I know it is basic and not what your looking for John but its a start

Okay so back on track....Lets save this from the toliet bowl.

Arguing the logistics of puget sound is a moot point. Location of present PSAS meetings is a moot point, and totally worthless to bring up from here on out

again like I have stated about 6 times in this thread:

northenders get together and build some sort of proposal. To prove your wililng to do the work that is needed to be done. The BOD needs a more defined plan in order to make any decision regarding a northern chapter of the PSAS. Period.

How can anybody, PSAS BOD or otherwise, endorse or approve a project based on nothing. DolphinLVR started a bulleted list regarding a basic plan for what is trying to be achieved up north.

Obviously there is a want for a northern aquarium club by atleast a few members. Build off of what DolphinLVR has started and have your goal be a formalized proposal of a norhtern chapter of the Puget Sound Aquarium Society that is capable of being present to the BOD.

I fully understand that nobdy wants to do the work needed to create such a presentation when there is potential for it to turn into a complete waste of time. But let be realistic here, this does affect the PSAS if you were a part of the BOD and responsible for money that is not yours, given by people within the community. Would you endorse a northern chapter of the PSAS without having atleast an idea of how the northern chapter is structured/planned.
AND we cant have beer. it's a liability! fro the PSAS.. if something bad happened the BOD would be held accountable!
NOW I didn't say you can't drink beer .. I just say we cant advertise were are supplying or buying or inviting members to drink..
PLUS the PSAS is a conglomerate of all walks of life and some of those are in sobriety and we need to be respectful to those members. not to mention the kids at the meetings!
Mouse> I'm thinking that if it is an issue every year, we should be working to find some kind of fix.

JohnPeezy> Exactly right! I hope to use input from this forum to help Jeff craft a proposal that will address the various concerns of the membership. This is not the proposal, this is the place to help create one.
I did not know that this was a public proposal to the BOD of PSAS. I thought this was merely a tool to find out how many are interested. The civil war is over lets not reenact it with our petty stabs and pokes at other people in the club.

This is not a public proposal to the BOD of the PSAS, since the first page I have stated this is a good idea, HOWEVER in order to further things and seek endorsement from the BOD a formal proposal is needed.

Asking for a written proposal to submit to the PSAS BOD was my idea and contribution to this thread. For the bagillinth time.

If you want to make a northern club go for it, nobody is stopping you.
If you want to make a northern chapter of the PSAS there is obviously going to be hoops to jump through.
Mouse> Hey I though you were gonna leave :)
I'm glad you didn't!
As to beer. I know, I know, I'm just saying...
Wow! This really is the same ole conversation I've been involved in over the last three years. Same conversation, a new generation of reefers.
For some reason, every time there is a PSAS thread involving PSAS business on RF it ends up in a fight. The Staff here has stepped out on a limb after two years to let the majority discuss this in this forum rahter than on OUR OWN web site. Let's not cause them stress and shut this thread down.