Not-so-mad-March Madness - 15 days of Q&A - Contest Answer Thread!!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Lions stalk orcas!
RF Premium Member
Feb 19, 2009
Spokane, Washington, United States
Who wants to win?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Well, watch our Facebook Page ( | Facebook) March 15 thru March 30th for your chance. Randomly each day we are going to ask 1 reef related question a day on our facebook page, maybe more. Some of these questions are worth 1 point, some 5, etc.....

The game is simple. Answer as many questions as you can!!! The more correct answers you have during the Q&A period, the more points you earn - high point takes the trophy!

After the question is posted on our Facebook page you have just 6 hours to find the answer and post it to THIS thread on Reef Frontiers! (yes, this thread you are reading right now) :D Every correct answer posted to the thread before the deadline will get the points for that question.

- If you've won a contest here on RF in the last 12 months, you are ineligible to win, but you can still play
- This is about the most correct answers, don't trust the first guy who posted, he could be wrong!
- No penalty for incorrect answers
- Only 1 answer entry per Q&A round, be sure your first guess is the right one
- We will post the leaderboard after each Q&A round once points are tallied
- In the event of a tie, we will go into a flash/speed overtime round

There are 15 rounds in this contest.

So, what do you win for answering all these questions over the next few weeks??????

Easy: the winner receives a Elos Silver Moonlight valued at $100 - Elos Silver Moonlight donated by Saltwater aquariums, supplies, servicing, reef fish and corals - Barrier Reef Aquariums!!!!

So, go thank Barrier Reef, like our Facebook page, and get ready to answer some reef trivia :nerd:
Also going to go with Acanthaster planci, commonly known as the crown-of-thorns starfish (even though 24 in. diameter seems a bit large)

I thought the same thing, and was hesitant to post a reply simply for that fact :D Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that number was a bit high :)
Question #1 answer: Acanthaster planci, commonly known as the crown-of-thorns starfish.