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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2003
We have need for a few more mods here on RF! We need someone that can be here 24/7 (not really), energize everyone (people person(see--->Krish)) :whistle: and someone that can do it for the passion and fun and not take it so serious that it becomes a career! We're not out to micro manage but rather help the learning and make it fun to be here. We'll go through a trial period and the ones that make the cut will be the new addition to the RF staff!:spy:
So anyone is welcomed to post up candidates including themselves. We'll probably do a poll and from there a trial then a final decision between the staff!:hungry: So lets begin!:lever:

Oh yea the Pay is great, You get to do it for FREE! :whip:
I'd be happy to help out. I'm on here all thetime anyway and would like to be considered.
Well, you know the first two that came to mind when you pm'd me about possibly doing this was Lorrie (IPisces for a female option) and Kirk (NC2WA for a male option). Both great members with great attitudes so they are my two nominations to add to Seth's offer who has also been a great contributor here and a really nice guy. Honestly though, I could probably recommend a ton of people here. So many outstanding members here that stand out to me regularily. RF is full of great people, but for the sake of keeping things simple, I won't confuse things too much and add any more names. I will just nominate the first two people that came to mind first. Would be cool if our buddy was up to it now who we talked to a while back about it, but I think he's pretty set on just remaining a regular member here. I will pm him anyways to see if his mind has changed. :)
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... We need someone that can be here 24/7 (not really), energize everyone (people person(see--->Krish)) :whistle: and someone that can do it for the passion and fun and not take it so serious that it becomes a career...

This is a very important point here. I don't ever think of myself as "RF Police" or a "Forum Police" which is what we are looking for...People like that who feel the same way. I've honestly always felt like a regular member that just has a few extra features tagged to my account that enables me to do certain things others can't (eg edit threads, move them, delete them, ban users etc) but when I log in, I am just "Krish" posting like I always have. Helping where I can in any way I can. If along the way something pops up that needs a bit of moderating, then I will tackle it, but other than that, I don't spend my time looking at everything under a magnifying glass trying to find some faults somewhere. That's when you lose sight of your purpose for being a member here. So we aren't looking for people to "police" the site, but rather be themselves and post like they normally would, while on that same note, be able to help with some of the moderating issues that may come up. :)
Krish you bring up great points. I see no reason anyone would have to think of themsrlves as forum police. This forum is full os so many mature and nice people I've never seen a real issue develop unlikesome other boards I've moderated at. I think the most I've seen is some new members needing redirected to forum policy or the correct forum. I peraonally take pride when I am able to help someone. Whether that be goung to visitthrawn at his petco job or inviting a beginner overto see my system to explain the plumbing and what worka for me. I agree with bothof your recommendations as well but hope I will be considered.
I would like to be considered for one of the mod positions. I have been in this great hobby for 15 years and as much as knowledge as I've absorbed from it, I would love to give back to it.

This is a very important point here. I don't ever think of myself as "RF Police" or a "Forum Police" which is what we are looking for...People like that who feel the same way. I've honestly always felt like a regular member that just has a few extra features tagged to my account that enables me to do certain things others can't (eg edit threads, move them, delete them, ban users etc) but when I log in, I am just "Krish" posting like I always have. Helping where I can in any way I can. If along the way something pops up that needs a bit of moderating, then I will tackle it, but other than that, I don't spend my time looking at everything under a magnifying glass trying to find some faults somewhere. That's when you lose sight of your purpose for being a member here. So we aren't looking for people to "police" the site, but rather be themselves and post like they normally would, while on that same note, be able to help with some of the moderating issues that may come up. :)

That is what Mods should be. Friends with benefits sort of thing. Oh crap, I mean members with benefits. :D

Awesome mindset, I like how you put it into words, simply AWESOME!!!

You had it right first! Friends not members. I think the community of members are so closely knitted here that most of us would consider one another a friend more that just a member. :)

Also thanks for kind words guys. :)

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Way to go stepping up people!

If your not interested in becoming staff please feel free to mention those you would like to see become staff. Everyones opinions matter here and we need the members to have a hand in this. It's your forum guys and gals. make it the best you can. :)

Ok, looks like it is going as planned, we have people giving input and willingness to help out. We will continue a few days for input, then well compose a list of candidates and then the fun will begin. We'll let the members question the candidates and from there from your input the staff will help narrow this down some and then we'll announce about 4 members that will be on trial mods for a couple months then from there we'll see how it goes as becoming official and exactly how many we'll have.
One thing I must be clear, candidates that don't get picked, we don't intend on hurting anyone's feelings or upsetting people, so please consider this when stepping up, last thing I want is to piss off the ones that go through all this and don't make the cut. lets face it, most of you are probably good enough in more ways than none to be a mod here, this is why we're letting the members interface with the procedure, we are looking for a good fit, not only with the staff but everyone, it shouldn't be offensive if you don't make the cut, please remember this, really Please!

To define what new mods will be doing here is simple, you will be expected to do what you already do every day, from time to time you will assets the staff mods with issues but for the most part you will just be part of the regular members here and at times helping the staff with events etc. We really don't need more staff that has to deal with major issues etc but rater we need people to help keep topics going, helping those newbies and just help keep the site active and a fun place to be. It is about as simple as that, the staff will be more than helpful with things that comes up, questions etc. There isn't pressure to be perfect or never make mistakes, this isn't like that, most of you already do what we want done, you'll just have a title now LOL, well yes more powers with the way things are run etc and activities on the forum.

Here's the thing, Mike (MoJO) and I can't run the site by ourselves we can't be here 24/7 we don't expect anyone to be here like that, we all have lives. This idea just gives the forum more chances for the staff/mods to help promote the people here on the forum, support it and hope to get more activities like contest etc.
Thank you for the nomination Krish. And Frankie, you said it "It's your forum guys and gals. make it the best you can." Alex, your so funny! After meeting a majority of people on this forum, I would absolutely consider them friends. I dont know about the benifits part, this has been a fun forum to participate in for me over the past couple years and I would love to see it grow in membership and activity. I would be honored to be considered for one of the mod positions and to help out with improving the site and generating more forum discussions and interests.
Thanks agian
I'd also like to throw in my hat, if there is a need for another level-headed Old Salt with 29-yrs of reefkeeping experience. In these years I have been a Fish Store employee/asst mngr, importer/breeder, ran a aquarium maintenance business, owned a manufacturer of aquarium furniture, a active DIYer and recently co-created a regional reefkeeping club "North Sound Reefers". Being semi-retired am an active participant in promoting/encouraging/teaching in our ever evolving hobby we/I love so much. I like many have chosen Reef Frontiers as our primary site because of the welcoming comunity sense here and generaly positive input by all. I have met many fellow reefkeepers here and consider several as good friends now including both Kirk and Lorrie. Being a Jack-of-many-trades has allowed me to interact with members on many levels and feel that I do/can contribute to the forum in an open-minded and positive way. I would be honored to be considered as new mod.

Cheers, Todd
Scott, you plan on detailing the initiation procedure or are you worried that no one will accept nominations? Come on, it's not that bad. Doesn't leave any permanent scarring, doesn't taste that bad, okay, yes it does...but they won't lose THAT MUCH hair...and it's only illegal if they get caught.
Again, I appreciate the nomination Krish, but I think I am going to bow out at this time. I dont think I really have the time. Working full time and away from home for 13 hours a day, yeah I am online most all day, but only in the background and checking in once in a while, does not really give me a lot of time for much else. Right now I think I would like to just enjoy being a member(friend;))
Thanks again
I'll second the nomination for Kirk and toss someone else into the mix, by nominating Joanne (Estanoche)

eeeek!!! I've been discovered!!! hahahaha - I'm in if my peers here would like to consider me :D

This is a very important point here. I don't ever think of myself as "RF Police" or a "Forum Police" which is what we are looking for...People like that who feel the same way. I've honestly always felt like a regular member that just has a few extra features tagged to my account that enables me to do certain things others can't (eg edit threads, move them, delete them, ban users etc) but when I log in, I am just "Krish" posting like I always have. Helping where I can in any way I can. If along the way something pops up that needs a bit of moderating, then I will tackle it, but other than that, I don't spend my time looking at everything under a magnifying glass trying to find some faults somewhere. That's when you lose sight of your purpose for being a member here. So we aren't looking for people to "police" the site, but rather be themselves and post like they normally would, while on that same note, be able to help with some of the moderating issues that may come up. :)

+++ 200 - I agree, moderating a board is NOTHING more than just being there, and being active :) There is never a reason why anyone who is (or could be) staff should feel like or consider themselves police.... :spy: :spy:

Scott, you plan on detailing the initiation procedure or are you worried that no one will accept nominations? Come on, it's not that bad. Doesn't leave any permanent scarring, doesn't taste that bad, okay, yes it does...but they won't lose THAT MUCH hair...and it's only illegal if they get caught.

who is they??? I'm assuming its only illegal if "returnofsid" gets caught, right???? :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: - if there are no pics or facebook posts mentioning said procedure it never happened, right?? :evil:
I'd also like to throw in my hat, if there is a need for another level-headed Old Salt with 29-yrs of reefkeeping experience. In these years I have been a Fish Store employee/asst mngr, importer/breeder, ran a aquarium maintenance business, owned a manufacturer of aquarium furniture, a active DIYer and recently co-created a regional reefkeeping club "North Sound Reefers". Being semi-retired am an active participant in promoting/encouraging/teaching in our ever evolving hobby we/I love so much. I like many have chosen Reef Frontiers as our primary site because of the welcoming comunity sense here and generaly positive input by all. I have met many fellow reefkeepers here and consider several as good friends now including both Kirk and Lorrie. Being a Jack-of-many-trades has allowed me to interact with members on many levels and feel that I do/can contribute to the forum in an open-minded and positive way. I would be honored to be considered as new mod.

Cheers, Todd

I've always thought highly of you Todd!! Another great candidate for sure! :)
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