Ocean Motion Microprocessor WaveMaker Model B9510 Settings

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Nov 4, 2010
Sector ZZ9 plural Z ALPHA
The instructions for adjusting the settings on the Ocean Motion Microprocessor WaveMaker Model B9510 Settings are increasingly difficult to find online. I found mine today and decided that I would post them here in the forum in case others needed the info.

u = up, d = down

switches 1-5 Timing Switch Mode

uuuuu - 10 sec.
duuuu - 12 sec.
uduuu - 14 sec.
dduuu - 17 sec.
uuduu - 20 sec.
duduu - 24 sec.
udduu - 29 sec.
ddduu - 35 sec.
uuudu - 42 sec.
duudu - 50 sec.
ududu - 1 min.
ddudu - 1 min. 12 sec.
uuddu - 1 min. 26 sec.
duddu – 1 min. 42 sec.
udddu - 2 min. 4 sec.
ddddu - 2 min. 40 sec.
uuuud - 3 min.
duuud - 3 min. 36 sec.
uduud - 4 min. 12 sec.
dduud - 5 min. 6 sec.
uudud - 6 min.
dudud - 7 min. 12 sec.
uddud – 8 min. 42 sec.
dddud – 10 min. 30 sec.
uuudd - 12 min. 36 sec.
duudd - 15 min.
ududd - 18 min.
ddudd - 21 min. 36 sec.
uuddd - 25 min. 48 sec.
duddd - 30 min. 54 sec.
udddd - 37 min. 12 sec.
ddddd - 45 min.

Switches 6-8 Operating Mode

uuu - 2 pump single sequential
duu - 2 pump multi random
udu - 3 pump single sequential
ddu - 3 pump single random
uud - 3 pump multi random
dud - 4 pump single sequential
udd - 4 pump single random
ddd - 4 pump multi random
If all else fails you could call Paul or Cassie at Ocean Motion and they would probably Email them to you. They are both great to work with.
Thankfully it is easier than this might look. It's just a matter of pushing each of the five switches up or down depending on the timing you want. Now if you should misplace these instructions...have fun messing with it or contact the nice people at Ocean Motion and they'll take good care of you. :)