OK, so I have decided i need to start running Kalkwasser. I would like to do this without having to redo my ATO and just be able to add to what is existing. In the picture below you will see my existing setup and then my proposed! What I am looking for is YOUR input as to if it safe and will it work!
Here is my setup:
Gravity feed ATO into sump
What I am thinking of doing:
Add a T adapter to line going to float valve, run a line to aqua lifter pump, from pump to input of Reactor, Output of Reactor to drip into sump.
My reasoning behind all of this is to be able to keep my ATO separate in case I want to just run it without the Kalkwasser
Here is my setup:
Gravity feed ATO into sump
What I am thinking of doing:
Add a T adapter to line going to float valve, run a line to aqua lifter pump, from pump to input of Reactor, Output of Reactor to drip into sump.
My reasoning behind all of this is to be able to keep my ATO separate in case I want to just run it without the Kalkwasser