OK, Let's Talk Kalkwasser Reactors

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RF Premium Member
Mar 23, 2005
La Conner, WA.
OK, so I have decided i need to start running Kalkwasser. I would like to do this without having to redo my ATO and just be able to add to what is existing. In the picture below you will see my existing setup and then my proposed! What I am looking for is YOUR input as to if it safe and will it work!

Here is my setup:

Gravity feed ATO into sump

What I am thinking of doing:

Add a T adapter to line going to float valve, run a line to aqua lifter pump, from pump to input of Reactor, Output of Reactor to drip into sump.

My reasoning behind all of this is to be able to keep my ATO separate in case I want to just run it without the Kalkwasser

That should work just fine. Id recommend buying a digital timer from HD so you can program your pump to come on for as little as one minute up to eight times a day.
Question for those more knowledgeable... Will the Aqualifter pump stop the gravity flow of water through it when it is off or will water free flow through it? Also will the Aqualifter push the water through the KW reactor or should it be pulling the water through it instead?
Looks fine but unnecessarily complex unless you plan on having the aqualifter on your Apex Ph controlled circuit.

That should work just fine. Id recommend buying a digital timer from HD so you can program your pump to come on for as little as one minute up to eight times a day.

Yes I plan on running the Kalkwasser reactor through the Apex

Question for those more knowledgeable... Will the Aqualifter pump stop the gravity flow of water through it when it is off or will water free flow through it? Also will the Aqualifter push the water through the KW reactor or should it be pulling the water through it instead?

On the same line of thinking as Eric, Will the aqua lifter pump provide enough flow to the Reactor?
The aqua-lifter siphon will continue after the pump shuts down, depending on placement of the pump in regards to height. I am not sure about this, but I had read the aqualifters tend to get plugged up pretty bad when running kalkwasser through them.
The aqua-lifter siphon will continue after the pump shuts down, depending on placement of the pump in regards to height. I am not sure about this, but I had read the aqualifters tend to get plugged up pretty bad when running kalkwasser through them.

The only thing running through the Aqua-lifter would be RO, I think your right about the pump continuing to siphon. Unfortunately, my current setup pulls the RO from the bottom of the reservoir, so I am unable to put in a anti-siphon break in the line
I rigged up something one time that worked. If you used 1/4" line, put a "T" inline and off the T connect one of those one way air check valves for air pumps to it. This was the water pumps thought the T and will not spray out the check valve, however when the pump stops, the check valve will suck air in due to siphon and break the siphon. It worked when I did it.
Yeah, Eric and I have been talking about this, but due to the line being fed from the bottom of the reservoir, then our thought is that water will continue to flow no matter where you try and install an anti-siphon.

looks like I may be redoing my ATO configuration. The more I think about it, the only thing stopping the water is my float valve in the sump, so if something were to block it from closing, I am SOL........LOL
The air check valve would draw in air and break the siphon guaranteed. I did it that way with my ATO for my aqualifter. Mine was on top of a 55g drum and it still broke the siphon.
The siphon will draw which ever has the least resistance and water is heavier than air. It's the same idea as guys who pin-hole lockline on their return so that it wont siphon during a power outage.
Just a couple of questions. Why dont you want to run the kalk through your ato? What is your cal/alk demand?

Just a couple of questions. Why dont you want to run the kalk through your ato? What is your cal/alk demand?


Mike - My Cal/Alk are on the low end

The reason I didnt want to run it through my ATO are two fold.

1) I wanted to be able to control the reactor and still be able to have regular ATO should my cal/alk were were I wanted them

2) The only thing that telss when to let RO in is a float valve, I wouldnt have any type of control and the float valve would get clogged to easily
Ok if it were me I would run a tee of the ro container and have one act as it is with your ato. The other side of the Tee I would have go into the reactor and then drain gravity wise into a seperate line that goes into the sump. In that line I would install a NO valve, This valve would be able to be controlled by you apex or similar.

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